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UT alum

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Everything posted by UT alum

  1. Still not selling me. Show me where low income foreclosure rates outstripped those of middle and upper income foreclosures when the bubble burst.
  2. The last three a Democrat President got to appoint have been women, that’s going back 25 years. I guess that vicious predator RBG must’ve slipped by because of the Republican Senators’ magnanimity.
  3. How does that HUD publication bolster your position?
  4. Come on, Ash, all your quotes and links come from conservative academia, so what’s the point? I guess Fannie and Freddie stuck a gun in Wall Street’s face and said do it, or else.
  5. Uh, he was never even granted a hearing for the chance of anything like that coming up.
  6. Was that federal legislation did that, or Supreme Court affirmation of state law?
  7. Is that the best you got? Murder legal at any age? I hope that’s just hyperbole.
  8. They’re trying to bring their family to a place they believe will provide a better opportunity. That’s a good and desperate parent. I’m not going to stop involving my heart in my decision making. If you calling me a “bleeding heart” makes you feel better, go for it.
  9. Right. Bubbles usually aren’t fully recognized until they burst. When you give loans at zero down with no credit checks, you think demand isn’t going to rise?
  10. Too simplistic for macro economic discussion. Makes it easier to let the predators off when you make the “irresponsible buyer”, the “low income idiots” you resent supporting, the straw man. I guess the people who got wiped out by Enron were at fault for buying from a crook. Should have known better. Poor old Ken Lay was victimized by overzealous prosecutors seeking to demonize the rich.
  11. CPS has procedures to reunite after resolution. Apparently INS does not.
  12. Ultimately the buyer is responsible, and their credit rating takes the hit. But, 13% unemployment and plummeting home values because of artificially created demand put buyers in positions that help mitigate the judgement of them as being merely fiscally irresponsible.
  13. [Hidden Content] Enough links in this article for you? BTW, the “failing” New York Times published Wallison’s article disputed by the Columbia Journalism Review. Doesn’t that make it fake news just by the fact that the greatest source of “fake news” cited by Trump is NYT? Talk about cherry picking.
  14. Again, she most likely knew where her children were, and knew how to find them when she got out.
  15. They at least know where they are.
  16. No, you didn’t get my point. American Enterprise Institute is biased to the right, American Progress to the left. My guess is that the answer is somewhere in the middle. That’s the point of representative democracy. Competing ideas are aired in public and debate and compromise create policy reflected in laws. Ugly names and insults are not conducive to progress in this form of governance.
  17. Since when did we start separating veterans from their children?
  18. Oooh...that’s a hit on your credibility.
  19. I think maybe you got my message.
  20. Sorry, I was referring to the post industrial revolution economy.
  21. Ummm...I think hoboes came to prominence in the Great Depression.
  22. I pay my share of income tax. I prefer MY money go to that than to Don Quixote’s windmills.
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