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UT alum

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Everything posted by UT alum

  1. Yes, some of us do. Your side wants to lionize them and sanitize what they did and stood for. Our side does not want history to forget.
  2. Man, that’s such BS. No quote from Lt. Lawrence, just a picture of him touching his eye. Could’ve been a tear of emotion from the ceremony. Could have been a gnat. I’m sure he knows not to question his commander in chief (i.e. chain of command). In other words, not news. Opinion. That’s why pundit is a propaganda rag, not legitimate journalism.
  3. Danged straight. Put them in a museum, teach the history of what they’ve done, but don’t honor sworn (and defeated) enemies of the US.
  4. You’re out of your mind. Mark Twain was called the father of American literature by William Faulkner. Liberals don’t ban books, either. Conservatives do. Some advocated for a change of the offensive words used, and I think that’s BS. You ever read Uncle Tom’s Cabin? History must be taken in context, and taught in context. That’s why the right wants to obliterate it. Or any other authoritarian form of leadership for that matter.
  5. Now, Big Girl, you know the right’s objective is to rewrite history. Slavery provided job skill training? PLEASE!!!
  6. What I read on Reagan’s post was a screed, not journalism. How, might I ask, did I insult him? Sounds kind of snowflakey to me.
  7. “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you in trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.” -Mark Twain
  8. Tucker Carlson. The same man who detested Trump privately but was a minion in public (where he was paid a princely sum). Yeah, he’s gonna give us the truth. Nixon’s dirty tricksters, led by Donald Segretti chased Muskie off, then sabotaged Sargent Shriver, effectively killing any chance McGovern had of even coming close. Nixon was going to fight until Barry Goldwater went to the White House and told Nixon he could not get 60 votes in the Senate to avoid conviction. Tucker Carlson never tells the truth. He manipulates opinions and treats them like facts. Where is he now, by the way?
  9. Do you have any realization of the fact that every generation at least back to the days of prohibition have said the same thing? It’s a loser’s argument.
  10. My personal opinion is that the voter should be the sole determinant of term lengths, the exception being the Chief Executive.
  11. The prosecutor was corrupt. That he was investigating Hunter is irrelevant. Biden could’ve simply said “Leave my son alone and you’ll keep your job”. That’s how a “boss” does it. Still ain’t no proof. Not even any material evidence. Just smoke for the Orange Man.
  12. I have no clue how he handles his personal life. I know he’s had more personal tragedy than most. I have no problem with an investigation. If there’s evidence, let’s see it. Where’d that 5000 number come from, by the way?
  13. Nothing has nothing been proved against Biden, there’s not even been any evidence offered, yet he heads a “crime family”. No proof. No evidence. Yet guilty.. See your hypocrisy?
  14. What’s your definition of free speech?
  15. I been telling ya’ll, Meadows will be the key to Trump’s cell. Now he’s gonna sing like a bird for Fani. This time he’s got his own fannie on the line. I don’t think he’ll send himself up to save Trump.
  16. Little Jimmy Jordan. Wannabe lawyer, sex offender defender (I ain’t talkin’ Trump, neither). He doesn’t care about justice. He’s just a water boy and he knows it. Whatever happened to states’ rights?
  17. ??? Did you bother to glance at the court document? The Trump Crime Syndicate tried to unlawfully change the election results through a variety of coordinated illegal acts.
  18. What the freak do you expect Paxton’s lawyer to say? Here’s more: [Hidden Content] “You want evidence?”, the managers say. “Here’s 4,000 pages in advance of discovery.”
  19. I said nothing about sources. I don’t pay attention to anyone’s polls.
  20. Facts are facts. The trouble with facts are the pundits who twist them. Inflation was largely a result of the disruptions brought about by the pandemic. The rate now is well below other first world countries, as we have recovered more quickly, thanks to President Biden’s leadership. Trump didn’t have Russia or the Ukrainian war to contend with, plus the Saudis are his butt buddies, so the gasoline price comparison is a sham. Mortgage rates are a function of interest rates which the Fed increased to fight inflation. Not a Biden policy. We can argue jobs all you want, but the unemployment rate is at a 30 year low. Spin that fact.
  21. So, NPR is a bunch of communist liberals until they say something you like? It’s either Lamestream or not, can’t have it both ways. I don’t give a rat’s patootie about a poll anyway. Especially 14 months out.
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