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UT alum

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Everything posted by UT alum

  1. Point out the false statements in this one. [Hidden Content]
  2. Don’t forget The Guardian. [Hidden Content] He is a narcissistic sociopath. Not fit for leadership. A disgrace to the country, the flag, and its defenders.
  3. Again with Breitbart. The families don’t supersede military rule of law. Tug at those heartstrings with misinforming lies. People never think clearly from a state of emotion. That’s why tyrants guild their messages with “patriotism” and “heroism”.
  4. Reread mine. What he did was against federal law. He has offered no proof that he cleared anything beforehand. He will offer no proof. Only heresay. He’s a liar.
  5. Whether a fight took place or not, “Federal law prohibits political campaign or election-related activities within Army National Military cemeteries to include photographers, content creators, or any other person attending for purposes or in direct support of a partisan political candidate’s campaign. Arlington National Cemetery reinforced and widely shared this law and its prohibitions with all participants.” Like I said earlier, he’ll do anything for a photo op. He doesn’t care about the military, alive or dead, beyond what it can do for him. Decorum schmecorum. He just don’t care.
  6. No, we’d still be there. Still woulda been graves.
  7. That was in reference to crisis control resulting from lies and misinformation spread about a national health crisis. Do I expect ant context from the Daily Wire? Of course not!
  8. Can you name a President who has? I’ll guarantee you this is Trump’s first time attending. I’d like you to prove me wrong, but Trump is only about photo ops.
  9. He doesn’t count. True patriots need not apply when it comes to Trump.
  10. So you got access to bills of lading, too?
  11. When all you do is re-post, you’re not thinking for yourself.
  12. A couple weeks back the sky was falling because Wall Street thought Trump might lose. I just saw Jason Miller claim today’s record is because they think Trump’s going to win. Those who try to have it both ways usually wind up with neither.
  13. Uh, did you see the part where we export 10.2 million? That’s 1.4 more out than in. It’s called global trade.
  14. Where’s he gonna get that kind of power so fas?
  15. He tied himself to Project 2025 when he said he didn’t know anyone affiliated with it. Big lie. So, Democrats are using 2025 against him because he lied about it then when called out on it would not distance himself from it. So, they weren’t lies, they were hardballs. Trump can’t even handle the soft balls his little buddy Hannity lobs him.
  16. Tampon Tim. Sounds like Sophomores for Trump. That trick is dead.
  17. Obviously Mr. Drew’s district changed so he did a chameleon to keep his seat. Who knows what he really believes?
  18. Global economics. We have the strongest economy and lowest inflation in the world.
  19. RFK Jr. had a lot of people who liked his environmental positions. I figure a few will go Green Party, anti vaxxers and other conspiracists will go to Trump, some who are transfixed by the Kennedy name will go Harris. A wash, in other words. Jr will wind up inconsequential.
  20. The Democrats brilliant political move has energized the party and landed a gut punch to Trump’s campaign. He doesn’t have the time or political smarts to counter. One trick pony, and the pony’s so old it’s a nag now.
  21. Didn’t think the VP mattered. It’s the Biden administration, not Harris. Not to mention the economic data is presented without context whatsoever.
  22. Looks like a star champion football coach getting things in line. A Devil? Someone needs to get a life. I’m talking about politibunny. Made the little snowflake cringe.
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