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UT alum

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Everything posted by UT alum

  1. Oh, I missed that. The fat lady done sung, then.
  2. Because this is an unprecedented event. Manchin already declared he’s not running as reported by the Washington Post. It’ll take a while to settle out. I can see where some might be concerned about the delegates already committed to Biden and think an open convention might be more fair to the constituency. Besides, she can’t officially receive the nomination until the convention anyway. Anybody else who wants to can start campaigning right now. Her support will solidify over the next couple of weeks.
  3. Rank and file. It’s only been 2 days. Check back in a week or two and see what other endorsements come in.
  4. He’s already crawfishing. He had no problem debating Biden on ABC. Why the sudden animosity towards ABC? He ain’t chomping at nothing but Big Macs and chicken strips.
  5. Hey, the campaign raised $87 million in 24 hours after Biden’s withdrawal from the race and endorsement of Harris. Mostly small dollar donors. I’d say she’s already receiving backing.
  6. What about all the subcontractors he bankrupted?
  7. You obviously don’t understand politics.
  8. I didn’t say that. I said she would be better than the convicted felon.
  9. I wonder if Trump will agree to weekly debates with her like he challenged Biden to do? That was a rhetorical question. Of course the chicken will back down. He’s already said he won’t even debate her once unless it’s on FOX. Think she’ll back down? Another rhetorical question.
  10. Remember what happened with the golden calf? I can’t wait to see what happens with the leaden pig.
  11. Is that what Dinesh D’Souza said?
  12. Was that fake news, or just plain wrong? It’ll be even sweeter to see him get his a** handed to him by a bi-racial woman.
  13. Say what you want. Taking literary classics out of schools is the not a step or two away from piling them in the streets an darting them afire. Ignore history at our peril.
  14. [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] I believe these school districts are all in deep MAGA country. Any comments on Project 2025?
  15. The wedge wasn’t race based. The racial undercurrent has always been there. The way they really inflamed the division began under Reagan was the beginning of the culture wars. God, Guns, and Gays (remember, the AIDS epidemic was unfolding). That gave the Dixiecrats the out without mentioning race. Though it must be said Reagan used the “welfare queens and their pink Cadillacs” to great effect. It continues to this day. Gays slipped from their grasp, so today the third leg of the stool has become certain classes of immigrants.
  16. They get it. That’s why mentioning it irks them so. Denying the truth of history is the in the top 5 authoritarian power moves. Also in there: Sow doubt about election integrity. Foment distrust in the justice system Create a straw man, usually minorities or immigrants, to gin up fear only the strong man alone can can quell. Banning books It’s all happening here today. Do you want that to be the norm?
  17. No, the ex-Southern Democrats are now Republicans. I watched it happen starting with Lee Atwater and Reagan. I watched as election judge as an 80% Democratic precinct in Hardin County in 1980 turned 80% Republican in 25 years. I would say most people in this county over 50 years old voted Democrat in the past. So, your simple little trope sounds cute but it is neither accurate or true.
  18. Southern Democrats. Targets of Nixon’s Southern Strategy. Today’s southern Republicans.
  19. Juneteenth is about America, not Africa. It’s about emancipation, not slavery.
  20. There are hare brained people everywhere. Their members haven’t held much sway in this country. The Klan had many open members in the halls of Congress and many state legislatures. Like it says in the Constitutionn. All are created equal. There are no unequals as respects the human spirit.
  21. And not anywhere else? Like what, Africa invented it, sold the West on it and still practices it to this day? It’s central to some of their nations’ economies? What about Russian gulags? China? North Korea? Why’d you pick Africa?
  22. It does. Prejudice is everywhere. Don’t you understand? There is only one race. Everything else is culture.
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