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UT alum

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Everything posted by UT alum

  1. Nope, but I followed NIH guidelines from the start and I haven’t got the Covid. And I’m in the high risk age cohort.
  2. You are outside your mind.
  3. Oh yeah, I saw unleaded regular for $2.65 today. Gas down, inflation down, interest rates poised to drop - trends look good to me.
  4. Approval and efficacy are totally unrelated.
  5. I was just waiting for that one. Covid was his biggest leadership failure. Had he come out for masks and social distancing from the start, he’d be completing his second term now. Instead, he sowed doubt and confusion (his specialty) that placed our fatalities number one in the world. Not a list a leader wants to top.
  6. SCJ picks stolen from President Obama. Unemployment was what, 10% when he left office. I’VE BEEN WATCHING HIS SPEECHES. He is not talking policy.
  7. I am a grownup. Fossil fuel extraction has set records in under Biden’s administration. Trump’s trade policy is a disaster. Most leading economists agree that his tariff proposals will crush the middle class. He did nothing to solve the immigration crisis. Quite the contrary, he directed his minions in the Senate to crash a bipartisan House proposal because he was scared it might work and take his biggest megaphone away. He is an abject failure. Who goes bankrupt in the casino business? A winner?
  8. Expound, please.
  9. I’ve been watching his speeches. He doesn’t talk policy. He talks grievance.
  10. Can you enumerate the results, please?
  11. Trump can’t talk policy. First of all, that’s not talking about him. Second, he has never talked policy. He stokes fear and then says “Only I can fix it”. Never says how. He reportedly never read the daily presidential briefings. Trump can’t talk policy. His vision is one of America as a third world country unless he’s the fearless leader. He’s going to lose bigly.
  12. Man, I’m standing on the pile you’ve thrown out of the one you’ve dug.
  13. Can you tell me where that propaganda piece said anything about tampons period?
  14. [Hidden Content] Again with the lies, dude. You need to use multiple sources before you make yourself look foolish. Legal misinformation, by the way.
  15. You don’t know what you’re talking about, obviously. An orange is orange. In our tricameral system of government the judicial branch decides what is protected speech and what is not. Otherwise there would be no slander or libel laws. Again, think before you buy into that twisted kind of thinking. Oh, and the head of the Minnesota education department says no tampons have been put in boys restrooms. Another lie you took hook line and sinker. Shoot, you bit so hard you busted the tackle.
  16. You can’t yell “fire” in a crowded theater if there is none. That’s an example of misinformation being against the law. It is not a first amendment violation. Think a minute before you bite on these crazy twists and lies.
  17. Yeah, and they lobotomized and sodomized at the Republican National Convention.
  18. It’s called degree envy, Big Girl. They can’t hardly stand it.
  19. Politics is foreign to this crowd. Been following a liar too long. The Democratic Party’s main objective is to deny Trump another run at our Constitution. There was no time for squabbling. Everything was done in accordance with Party rules. The Crybaby-in-Chief is just mad because he’s gotten outsmarted politically, and now he knows he’s gonna lose and have to go to jail.
  20. Do you not understand that the engine cowling reflection picture claimed as the “evidence”was angled so that its reflection was away from the crowds? Spiral’s getting tighter.
  21. The man is a shameless opportunist. “Some of my best friends are black”. You don’t think it odd that Don King shows up in four of the six photos? I’m guessing the other two were taken at one of his peeping Tom beauty contests.
  22. I agree 110%. Trump cannot be any different than he is. “Only I can do it” says it all.
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