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UT alum

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Everything posted by UT alum

  1. Where’s your stats? I looked up census numbers in Texas ca. 1860 and over 25 percent of landowners owned slaves. As adult males represent about half the adult population and women couldn’t own land unless widowed or divorced, and children couldn’t either, I’d say closer to 50% of families had slaves. Where’s your stats?
  2. Yeah, that’s how all you fascists are. “Keep your mouth shut if you don’t agree with me.” If you had the power, I’m sure you’d have me arrested.
  3. Look it up in the frickin’ dictionary. It’s not that hard to understand.
  4. Are you insane, or just that ignorant? The first two presidents were slave owners. Abraham Lincoln was racist, recognized it, and tried to rectify it. Roger Taney, US Supreme Court Chief Justice who authored the Dredd Scott decision. President Woodrow Wilson was racist. FDR wouldn’t meet with Jesse Owens and appointed Hugo Black, a former KKK member, to the Supreme Court. Black did reform his views over the course of time, but the fact remains. Presidential candidate George Wallace, governor Lester Mattox. That’s off the top of my head.
  5. I read a book in 6th grade about George Washington Carver. Not in a textbook, but a school library book. That one’s probably been tossed from Florida schools. Made him look smart as a white man. Can’t have that.
  6. Not racist. Stereotypical symbols of racism. You know, like Jews portrayed as likenesses of vermin, Chinese as squinty eyes, buck teeth and straw hats, that sort of thing. Your syrup and rice crowd statement, on the other hand, is racist.
  7. Not gay guy t. I was tryin to type taught.
  8. Teachers in Florida right now are afraid to talk about it because of the crap DeSantis is slinging.
  9. Which is what? I don’t remember learning much about slavery except it existed and we fought a war over it. I remember nothing about the Indians being taught except that we took over their land, and they helped initially with our agricultural practices and had the first Thanksgiving with us. I wasn’t taught squat about Wounded Knee, or that we laced blankets with smallpox and purposefully slaughtered the Buffalo to extinction (almost) as part of the genocide. We were gay guy t nothing about American History that made it look like white oriole may have made some mistakes. My points aren’t pathetic. Your objectivity is nonexistent.
  10. Man, you guys protest too much, me thinks. Of course I don’t think you believe that, but it was still being put out as history in our lifetimes. The white societal norm, as it were. Housing, lending, and hiring, are still discriminatory, there’s just been 60 years for it to burrow into the market and mask it. I have plenty of my own understanding. You just don’t agree.
  11. Exactly. And the right wants to whitewash it. I’m just asking, if you don’t want it talked about in school, what do you want our kids learning?
  12. Yeah, that’s how to solve problems. Ignore them and they go away. It’s not about guilt, it’s about recognizing effects of our past on the situations of the present.
  13. Pathetic? That make you feel better? Superior, what?
  14. So what should be taught? That blacks were better off slaves in America than they were in Africa? That slavery was part of our history but not that big of a deal? That the past has no effect on the present? Maybe just don’t teac history? What?
  15. That doesn’t answer my question. It appears that anything regarding civil rights history is garbage to you. Interesting…
  16. I disagree. I’d say it’s closer to an accusation. Webster’s pretty much agrees with me.
  17. Oh, you must have been referring to the Central Park Five…
  18. That is not a whataboutism. It is a comparison between two statements. Besides, that’s a weak defense. There were about a million things Trump shouldn’t have said. He doesn’t care nor do his acolytes.
  19. Anybody seen this on Netflix? When he was ten, his family moved from Louisiana to California. There, he was allowed in a library for the first time in his life. He said he was reading a history book, and the book said that blacks were better off as slaves in America than they were living in Africa. Is that how all you anti-“woke” fanatics think history about race in America should be taught? That would be cool, but talking about the cruelty and lasting social reckoning of that horrendous institution would not? Or do you just want to ignore it all and pretend it never happened?
  20. What, exactly, did he do? Hire exclusively black janitors? Seriously, I want to know what you’re talking about.
  21. I think Trump’s words were “There’s my African American” to a guy at a rally named Cheadle. That’s not a bit of a racial slur, that is a racist slur. Drove Cheadle from the party. Trump is a racist. Biden is not, and African Americans know it. They won’t ignore it, but they’ll forgive it.
  22. C’mon, don’t just pick on poor little Tucker. The entire cadre of prime time non-journalist FOX talking heads have been caught red handed emailing each other about what a bunch of hooey the whole fake election scam was. Problem: After FOX was the first MAJOR NETWORK to call the election for Biden, ratings began to plummet. All about the Benjamins baby. Jumping on the lie wagon after knowing the truth is gonna cost Rupert and the rest of those liars a bundle. A couple billion, I hope.
  23. You’re right. Trump did gut some railroad safety regs, but Biden’s had two years, as you said, to reinstate. We live in what I call a corporate democracy. Cost/benefit analysis using only dollars as input rules both parties. Only the spending purposes differentiate them. Biden did offer disaster assistance but DeWine has yet to request as of yesterday.
  24. Terrorists normally claim credit. It’s been two weeks and there’s been no credit taken, only blame given - on both sides, I might add.
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