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UT alum

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Everything posted by UT alum

  1. Take the easy target, not the one I based my premise on.
  2. I see no problem with legal business transactions. Capital is capital. So what, anyway? When their economy tanks we’ll buy it all back like when Japan cratered.
  3. No comment on Greenspan’s remarks, of course.
  4. [Hidden Content] So what? Look at Trump’s school’s donations.
  5. It was the right thing to do in this case, if in fact the Air Force made that assessment. Otherwise, what happened to the free market, folks? Willing sellers negotiating with willing buyers is the backbone of capitalism. Where do you draw the line? Gonna start a black list of banned nations? Who picks? Blanket bans aren’t good, unless we are at war, and even then it’s testy in a democracy. It’s just a step closer to internment camps.
  6. Would you be playing the same card if Trump was still President? I know he wouldn’t be.
  7. I am not obedient. I am not virtuous. I don’t know how old you are, but George Carlin got famous when I was about 15. I know what he would be saying about gun control, drugs, the homeless, Black Lives Matter, the immigrant, the Trump debacle, and I don’t think you’d like it. He’d poke fun at Biden and Democrats too, but it wouldn’t be dark
  8. We live on different planets. We should have led the world in pandemic protection (remember American exceptionalism?) Trump though he new more than all the experts combined. That is leadership failure. They just broke ground on a tunnel from NY to NJ. The fed just leased a lot of offshore drilling land. They’re working on upgrading the Alaska pipeline. “Son and big guy…” is conspiracy tripe. He has a plan that is investing $50 billion into domestic chip production. Think what you will. Makes not one whit of difference to me.
  9. That’s the conservative way: if you don like it call the other guy a liar. It’s all true. It has all been done. If you want to debate whether or not it’s crated jobs, fine. But don’t call me a fecking liar.
  10. I’m reminded of Oson Welles’ “War of the Worlds”. Let’s get a little more information before we get our hair on fire
  11. I should have quoted you on the movie review. I replied to myself
  12. And, I think it’s a pretty good movie front to back, and I’m not a big Tom Cruise fan.
  13. I think paying based on wealth rather than income would be a lot simpler. Or tie income tax to a percentage based on wealth. “Income inequality isn’t nearly as dangerous for our future as inequalities in wealth”. Alan Greenspan said that a good time back. I believe Ronald Ragass appointed him.
  14. All you do is demonize liberals,vilify LBGTQ people, get apoplectic about any Black Lives Matter supporters, talk about asylum seekers like they’re dogs. You can sure dish it out, but jump behind mommy’s skirt when someone comes after you. Sad.
  15. Infrastructure, policies leading us out of the pandemic, expanding domestic oil production, using his international leadership experience to help repair supply lines, investing in domestic chip production. Want more? That’s just off the top of my head.
  16. That fits pretty closely to the wealth disparities. The ones who own the most should pay the most to finance a government that allows such skewed discrepancies in wealth.
  17. Pay the man! A Few Good Men. We may not agree on politics, but you got a good sense of humor there, man.
  18. When did I condescend to you? Snowflake. Now, that’s condescending.
  19. I grew tomatoes and peppers on my apartment patio, but a patio garden is not going to produce a meaningful amount of food. I don’t have to work two jobs just to pay my rent, either.
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