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UT alum

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Everything posted by UT alum

  1. Some of that trillion we use to build bombs and tanks and carriers an fighters that grows a defense already bigger than the next five or ten nations would be a start. No tax increase neede there. It would be nice if the 1% paid a little tax.
  2. There’s the spin. The jobs weren’t there now they are. If they weren’t created, what verb would you use? Stock markets rise, they fall, they rise, they fall.
  3. Gotta own land to plant enough to subsist. Poor people don’t own land. The bottom 60% of the working population owns 3.3% of the nation’s wealth. Top 10% owns 68%. lhttps://www.statista.com/statistics/203961/wealth-distribution-for-the-us/#:~:text=U.S. wealth distribution Q3 2022&text=In the third quarter of,percent of the total wealth. This site is populated by the most condescending people I believe I’ve ever seen.
  4. You ever hear of a food desert? Why not just reopen bread lines and make ‘em all come downtown to eat rice and beans if they want to live? That’s an America we could all be proud of.
  5. Empirical evidence always beats out talking head BS. Okay. Time for you cats to spin.
  6. Broke fatties? That’s pretty condescending. The cheapest food is also the unhealthiest.
  7. It’s a back door minimum wage increase. Congress won’t mandate a liveable wage, so they do it this way to make the recipients look like deadbeats instead of workers who can’t live on $10/hr.
  8. They pay little to nothing because they earn little to nothing.
  9. The only links I ever see on here are the ones that confirm the poster’s biases. I prefer to read different points of view and then form my own. It’s called independent thought.
  10. Scary how the Repubs are following it, almost like a blueprint. Say/do one thing today. Tomorrow blame it on the Democrats and their electorate eats it up. I have no idea how folks don’t see it. Don’t want to?
  11. Before you get too jaded, check out Senator Sherrod Brown of Ohio, one of, if not the most honorable people in the Senate. Net worth in 2018 reported at $268,000. Hardly a significant amount of wealth.
  12. Sounds like he’s angling for indoctrination camps, not educational institutions.
  13. I understand your point, but historical perspective is still important. The same was said of radio. The same was said of television. The same is said of any revolutionary technological advance. Society assimilates it and pushes forward overcoming the obstacles. Optimism is a feeling that spurs me to action.
  14. They didn’t come in to buy cupcakes. The principle is refusal of service. You are too immersed in the right wing fueled culture wars. Your conservative brethren was “canceled”. Boo boo.
  15. Yes, it can. They refused service to a willing customer because they did not like their beliefs. Would you have a problem with a Cowboy’s ejection of an Eagles fan from their establishment?
  16. Same was said about technology when the printing press was invented. Time was children were not much more than instruments of production. Look no further than the coal mines of England in the 19th century. Kids are much better off today. Guess what I’m trying to say is history is most always judged according to the norms of the present. Barring a mutually assured destructive event, things will always get better incrementally despite the setbacks we encounter along the way. I am always the optimist.
  17. Are you not choking on the “demeaning” accusation?
  18. It was hyperbole. I keep forgetting nuance doesn’t play well in here.
  19. You read the disclaimers on his financial statements? Look at this according to Forbes:[Hidden Content]
  20. We’re not talking about just you. It’s the 350,000,000 others who don’t possess your perceived expertise at financial wizardry and what I would guess upper middle class income. It’s not jut about you.
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