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UT alum

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Everything posted by UT alum

  1. And to what might you be referring? It’s never as simple as “the hedonism of the Romans” or the “hubris of Napoleon”, the “overreach of the Persians” or other sound bite history. Try reading about the collapse not just of empire, but the whole of civilization in 1177 BC. It’s always more complicated and nuanced.
  2. You’re succumbing to paranoid militia propaganda and it’s NRA mouthpiece. Democrats don’t want to confiscate guns. We want to ban assault weapons. Canada’s gun ownership is comparable to ours without the mass killing weapons a certain segment of our population fetshiizes. It would suit you to adopt some objective reasoning skills.
  3. I believe the best course of action would be publicly financed campaigns of a limited fixed duration. Let the primary process play out and the winners all get the same amount of money and air time with 60-90 days to make their case.
  4. What does that even mean? “We the people” are given the chance to fix it every two years and we abdicate our authority to corporate money-financed propaganda on both sides. If you’re talking some sort of armed populist uprising, you’ve gotten a hold of some bad acid or something.
  5. Really? Cry me a river. A business owner can refuse service to anyone for any reason excepting racial discrimination. Bakery refusing to bake cake for same sex couple ring any bells? You all are a bunch of crybabies. Moral outrage when your peeps are dissed, high fiving when peeps you don’t like are dissed for the same freakin’ reason. The principle is the same, but I keep forgetting that in here principles are as fluid as mercury.
  6. This from the defender of a misogynistic lying tax cheat?
  7. Tax cuts that gave pennies to the workers, thousand dollar bills to the 1%. Tariffs that did nothing more than take the tax cuts to middle class and use them to pay the increases. Was China hurt by tariffs? No. Border policy was a waste and did nothing more than make the nation hyper-xenophobic. Failure to adopt policies to mitigate Covid-19 spread was disgraceful. Announcing infrastructure plans almost monthly and failing to ever be deliver was clownish. Environmental policies were most environmentally destructive ever. As for documents, Biden’s offense is equal to jaywalking. Trump’s equal to DUI.
  8. Christians and Muslims been killing each other since around 1100 AD. Christians and Muslims been killing Jews for longer than that. China and USSR killed believers of anything other than the state for a while. People been fighting over God since we’ve had the capacity to perceive His existence. Who’s killing who seems irrelevant. Why is a much more challenging question to me since the God I worship condones only love through grace, not hatred and violence.
  9. “Could be” won’t get an indictment, just incitement. I love it when conservatives clutch their pearls.
  10. I assume by destruction of the country you are referring to the people and their enablers who have either ignored or denied the assault on our democracy two years ago today. For you see, the country will not be destroyed as long as it’s governing document is the foundation of its existence. It will change, and some will like it, some will not, but it will not be destroyed as long as The Constitution remains.
  11. The title of this thread implies that there are examples of wokeness gone good. I realize logic has little impact in this forum, but that doesn’t diminish the truth of it.
  12. Ad hominem attack is a sign the actual debate is lost. Can’t attack the argument, attack the arguer.
  13. Thank you. When I get attacked in here, I know it’s because I’m hitting close to home.
  14. The thing speaks for itself. 6 ballots, no leader. Energy independence is a myth. The border was no more secure than it had ever been and there was a rising tide from the previous eight years of effective leadership that lifted all boats. “Lowest unemployment for minorities” is a statement unto itself about the labor inequities minorities face.
  15. A little more history - 1923, 9 ballots to elect a speaker. Republican majority in the house. Just coming off a term featuring a famously corrupt Republican president - Warren G Harding. Party was responsible for passing the Volstead Act, telling people what they could not do to their bodies (with alcohol), an unpopular law. Their lack of leadership in the twenties, despite controlling Congress and the Presidency for over a decade, led to 50+ years of Democratic control of Congress beginning in the thirties. Looks like history is repeating itself - again - as it always does.
  16. Yeah, ya’ll would have repealed the ACA, and done legislatively almost anything else you’d have wanted. It’s called leadership.
  17. I believe you’re right. Talk about making history!
  18. How refreshing to be comprehended. Proof positive that ideological differences and logic can coexist.
  19. I haven’t read every post on this thread, but I have yet to see the 800 lb gorilla in the room addressed. The Republican Party is leaderless. If the party had a leader (Trump included), they wouldn’t be undecided on the sixth ballot. If they can’t agree on a leader amongst themselves, how does anyone in their right mind believe they will effectively lead in the house as the majority party? An absolute debacle. I’ll bet they lose 30 seats in 2024.
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