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UT alum

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Everything posted by UT alum

  1. Not saying that. Obama worked hard to negotiate it out, but the process is the process. Trump is so void of executive leadership that the congresses under him passed whatever they did in spite of him.
  2. It is the Affordable Care Act. All the little political names given it are talking head gibberish. Sure would be nice if we could call those things which are by their official names.
  3. Signature does not always mean approval. Spending bills are compromises, and have to be enacted to continue government operations. The veto can also be overridden, so it is not an absolute power.
  4. Again, revenue bills can be only originated in the House, spending bills can come from either house of the legislative branch. If history serves me, Republicans controlled the tax/spend levers for six of Obama’s eight year presidency. They had it for half of he who I shall not mention’s term. If you were to start blaming politicians and not parties, things might start happening.
  5. Could be shmould be. I’m talking about court proceedings that actually happened for real, not coulda mighta woulda. You sound like little tucker carlson.
  6. It is very true. I bought it in Memphis, TN. Has his likeness on every sheet. He probably gets a taste of every sale, but I don’t care.
  7. John Mitchell, John Dean, Charles Colson James McCord, H R Haldeman, Oliver North, Steve Bannon, Roger Stone, Michael Flynn…I can do this all night if you want me to.
  8. I have a roll of Trump toilet paper. Takes the crap off better’n any I ever used.
  9. I have a roll of Trump toilet paper. Takes the crap off better’n any I ever used.
  10. Presidents do not spend. Basic civics. All bills generating revenue (the money that gets spent) must originate in the House of Representatives. That’s a fact, not fake news (such as saying the president spent the money).
  11. Democrats have a history of investigating actions that result in criminal indictments and convictions. Republicans? Not so much.
  12. Dang. I think the Republican Party has become totally inept at actually affective use of legislation for policy implementation. Unbelievably, they didn’t even formulate a policy platform in 2020. If all you can do is investigate political enemies, we don’t have a Constitutional democracy, it’s some sort of bastardized institutional junta.
  13. So, you haven’t seen any of the footage or read any of the reporting of the dramatic uptick in violence against Asians since he I shall not name blamed them for Covid? No history ever taught you about the shameful treatment of the Chinese railroad workers in the 19th century? One other thing, none of the ethnicities you mention save African Americans ever been seen as less than 100% human by our Constitution.
  14. You are conflating actions with opportunities. Bad logic.
  15. Criminally, the work has been from the bottom up, as is usual. Now, they’re getting closer to the top. You all keep hollering about Democrats. It’s the law now that’s working,not the politicians. Fostering insurrection is a lesser charge than conspiracy, and not as difficult to prove. Still a crime, and a conviction would invoke the 14th amendment, and the sorry sob would be disqualified from ever serving the government in any capacity again.
  16. Who’s the straw man? DOJ is the only agency with authority to prosecute yo the fullest extent of the law. The Democrats don’t need to try anything ever. The political work is done. The criminal work is what I’ve been waiting for.
  17. Obstruction of justice, destruction of official government records, tampering with state election laws, fostering insurrection, for a start. I don’t know what else prosecutors will turn up.
  18. The committee concluded its work, drew its conclusions, and took a vote. Republicans do not take over the Justice department. Now, the law will take charge, not the Congress.
  19. I have not come to bat on criminal charges. The Democrats have had no luck with political charges because the Republican caucus is too far up Trump’s butt to give a flip about the constitution or anything else relative to effective political leadership. Let the law decide, not the elected officials.
  20. The left won’t be doing the prosecuting. Congressional investigations are not criminal proceedings. Trump will be held accountable for his perverted political proclivities in a court of law.
  21. A pass? How many years of investigation by a Republican controlled committee? A great big nothing burger. I was and am 100% behind every single Trump investigation. Criminal incompetence demands accountability.
  22. I figure they didn’t need his testimony. Got plenty enough to refer to DOJ. THAT’S the subpoena I’m waiting for. The one that counts.
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