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UT alum

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Everything posted by UT alum

  1. You don’t understand apple as and oranges? the white man owes for corrupting their system wit his values.
  2. You don’t know a shill when you see one? Obfuscation reigns in the conservative bubble. Your guys make three card monty look like a game of checkers.
  3. It is under grand jury investigation, and the current DOJ has two years minimum to complete its investigation, indict and prosecute. Even Trump got the reds at McCarthy for not replacing Jordan and the other traitor I can’t remember his name. He could have had 4 republicans on there and chose not to. Picked up his ball and went home when he didn’t get his way. I venture to guess, and would be willing to wager there will be indictments, and ordinary citizens like you and me will sit on a jury, hear the evidence, and convict the ex president of at least one charge.
  4. I ain’t writing it again. See my reply to BS on page 4. That answers you, and it doesn’t oain me a bit.
  5. Where did I say that? Slavery was a part of their culture for as long as or longer than the Romans. I believe the Portuguese first connected them to white society. That changed the economic effect of slavery and when the white man’s greed infected them, it ceased to be a tribal thing and became a money thing and the unscrupulous among both cultures took over. You’re comparing apples with oranges. You ain’t got a clue what I believe, BS.
  6. Well, their ancestors weren’t subject to the hatred and brutality of the white man, so I understand their perspective and how it helps rationalize your denial of systemic racism.
  7. No, not the solution today. I proposed free post-secondary education. As for abandonment, with Kirby closure and railroad abandonment jobs left and so did people. I don’t think the west side real estate market is very solid, so abandonment may have been best option. That’s making a wild assumption that most residents owned their property to begin with. Watch The Banker on the Apple TV app.
  8. So, that absolves us. Seems like part of my moral upbringing stressed that two wrongs don’t make a right.
  9. Yes, but it was in the Constitution. Your question was how is it enshrined. Deflect to distract from your ignorance.
  10. William Tecumsah Sherman? Led the march across Georgia to the sea? Are you serious? He wasn’t a random dude,and had the authority to issue the special field order. Congress could have backed him up, but didn’t.
  11. Are you kidding, or are you ignorant? Africans were chattel property. Know what that is? Livestock is chattel property, for one. That is a de facto claim that Africans were considered animal, not human. That renders your entire post false. Wake the puck up.
  12. 40 acres and a mule were promised in General Sherman’s Special Field Order No. 15 issued Jan.15, 1865. It encompassed some 400,000 coastal acres from So. Carolina to Florida. President Johnson overruled it, and it never happened. An attempt was made for some sort of reparations in that case, but the white man did as he always had as respects treatises or or promises made with parties possessing inferior bargaining power.
  13. By their own people? What does that even mean? It was enshrined in our own Constitution, written by OUR people, and perpetuated for over 150 years after abolishment by Jim Crow laws passed and enforced by OUR people. Your bias shines brighter than a thousand suns.
  14. I think education will fix it. Free college or post-high school technical training for African American descendants of slavery.
  15. All I hear are White Christian Nationalist dog whistles. These folk are incapable of even imagining what 350 years of repression can do to a culture. This kind of stuff happens even today. [Hidden Content] Systemic racism is very real.
  16. 1. The privilege of Habeas Corpus shall NOT be suspended except in times of war 2. NO bill of attainder or ex post facto law may be passed 3. NO tax or duty shall be laid on any article exported by any state. 4. NO public money shall be drawn from the Treasury but in consequence of appropriation by law. 5. NO preference shall be given by any regulation or revenue to the port of one star over another 6. No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States: And NO person holding any office of trust or profit shall, without the consent of Congress accept any present, Emolument, title or office of any kind from a King, Prince, or foreign state. 7. NO state shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; NO state shall coin money, pass any bill of attainder or ex post facto law 8. Congress shall make NO law respecting the establishment of religion it prohibiting the practice thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or of the right of the people to peaceably assemble, or to petition the Government for redress 9. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses , papers or effects against unreasonable searches or seizures shall NOT be violated, and NO Warrant issued without probable cause. 10. Excessive bail shall NOT be required, NOR excessive fines, NOR cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. There’s ten negatives right there. Got a problem with that? I don’t think the government owes me anything. The Constitution and Bill of Rights is an organizing document for building a free and just society like no other seen in history. Any law, tax, or administrative agency deemed to be constitutional has been passed in accordance with the law as established therein by citizens duly elected BY THE PEOPLE to perform those duties. My question to you is: How do you define a patriot?
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