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UT alum

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Everything posted by UT alum

  1. Do you realize how vacuous that statement is? It’s no more than a sound bite.
  2. And the cost of freedom is…?
  3. Read the preamble to, and Section 1, Article 8 of the United States Constitution. Then explain why you think the Federal Government is not supposed to do anything on my behalf.
  4. That kinda like what does “is” mean?
  5. No, pal. I read Trump’s entire quote. He said, “A massive fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations and articles, even those found in the Constitution”. Now, true to form, he’s called out on it and says he didn’t say it. He says and does things that you nor anybody else would tolerate in a twelve year old.
  6. See my reply to Baddog on the “negative liberties” quote.
  7. There you go. Obama said “Generally, the Constitution is a document of negative liberties, says what the states can’t do to you. Says what the federal government can’t do to you. But it doesn’t say what the federal government must do on your behalf.” Take one sentence out of context to make something appear to be what it is not. Deep thinkers need not apply here.
  8. I have always been taught that words have consequences. You can “ maybe” this or “might have” that, like all the talking heads anywhere on the spectrum have. That’s the problem. Trump had only been held accountable for his word once - on November 11, 2019 - and even then his acolytes had to create a fantasy world of election conspiracies, so eloquently portrayed in 2000 Mules. I take him at his word. He said terminate the Constitution. Given his authoritarian tendencies, I don’t need anyone telling me what he”might have” “meant”. I find it telling that no one answered the question, “What would it be replaced with?”
  9. I watched it. I came away unconvinced.
  10. Now, that’s some spin there! TDS is such a cop out. Claim the other side’s hysterical and you don’t have to answer for your own lunacy.
  11. Donald Trump calls for termination of the U.S. Constitution because he can’t accept any defeat, much less a “fraudulent election” for which no evidence exists. Not suspension. Termination. What would take its place? Spin that for me, Trump lovers.
  12. You don’t govern from a Twitter account.
  13. I’m not sure what you’re saying. “All the media had to do to destroy Trump is report the things he said and did”. That’s the duty of journalism. Trump destroyed himself.
  14. I never denied they weren’t swayed by politics. I don’t agree with their constitutional interpretations, but I don’t doubt their fealty to their oaths. They implicitly affirmed that the documents are secret, and therefore had no business in Trump’s Mar-a-Lago bedroom.
  15. None of Trump’s Supreme Court appointees or Trump acolyte’s husband Clarence Thomas objected to the one sentence turn down of Orange Jesus’ emergency ruling appeal concerning the top secret documents he stole and stashed at Mar-a-Lago. Doesn’t look good for the Lawless One. It’s all catching up with him, and his far right appointees obviously take their oath to “faithfully and impartially discharge the duties incumbent on me under the Constitution and laws of the United States” seriously. Hubris always catches up with brazen egomaniacs. He ain’t fooling with New York City municipal officials. He’s in way over his head and sinking fast.
  16. WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE??? It’s an anthill’s worth, not a mountain. And most of the evidence consists of Republicans voting illegally.
  17. Yeah, kinda like compassionate Republican.
  18. How about people who do one thing and say another? I don’t support abortion. I support a woman’s right to make her own decisions about her health, and pregnancy happens to be a woman’s health issue.
  19. If they have an invoice, a get well card and check from Herschel plus a caretaker willing to come forward, I pay attention.
  20. Always the woman’s fault. How freakin’ convenient.
  21. Where’d you read that? Gateway pundit?
  22. There is reportedly incriminating evidence and testimony that he paid for an abortion of his child with another woman in 2011.
  23. Hey, 5 Gallon Bucket, where’s your righteous indignation on this one? FAKE NEWS, I guess, regardless of factual reporting.
  24. Thank you for setting me straight. The legislature set aside 12,000,000. Only 615,000 has been sent. That was only an aside. He still accepted aid that he opposed on principle for another state.
  25. He wasn’t complaining about pork. He objected to the direct aid.
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