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UT alum

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Everything posted by UT alum

  1. When “whatabout” is all you got, you know you have no response to the actual occurrence. I can see you’re one of those who DeSantis could starve and would still vote for hm.
  2. So, in 2012 freshman congressman Rick DeSantis voted no on a bill to supplemental aide for New Jersey after hurricane Sandy, implying that people without flood insurance are fiscally irresponsible and it was not right for the federal government to bail out the unfortunate. Now, it happens in his state and he runs hat in hand to President Biden and Congress asking for that which he opposed 10 years ago. He couldn’t say enough good about the nonpartisan help he’s received from Biden on Tucker Carlson the other night. Despicable, I say. That $12,000,000 taxpayer money he spent sending asylum seekers from Texas to Massachusetts would sure buy a bunch of bottles of water for his constituents. Looks like he could starve his constituents and not lose any votes, so long as he didn’t starve them to death. Vote Democrat!
  3. You talking about someone being offensive?hahahahahahah!!!
  4. The 11th Court of Appeals, with a majority of judges appointed by Agent Orange just ruled that what the other Trump judge in Florida ruled was a bunch of hooey. DOJ will be allowed to continue its CRIMINAL investigation using the 100 top secret documents Trump’s lackey in Florida tried to block. I told ya’ll a long time ago that sorry excuse of a man, let alone President, would ride to prison on his own tongue. He’s going down in flames.
  5. You miss one very salient point. Trump is a liar. It has been on open display since he first appeared on the “stage” some 40 years ago. When he has to say he did nothing wrong, that means he did.
  6. I’m not embarrassed. Or gullible. Those who make such accusations are usually covering for their own embarrassment, gullibility, and insecurity.
  7. Yes, and I know who fulfilled the Law and instituted the Gospel of Grace as foretold by the Prophets.
  8. Don’t forget, Big Girl, you are talking to a bunch of hypnotized parrots who “know in their hearts” that Trump is infallible. The only good fact do them is a real one turned on its head to confirm their bias.
  9. You peoples’ deified adoration of Donald Trump is downright creepy. He could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and you’d accuse the FBI of a setup. The man is a grifter who is sciopathically narcissistic. Federal judges don’t issue search warrants on a whim. He’s already been caught smuggling documents out of the White House. The law is the law and if you’re a suspect, you get investigated. Biden didn’t ask his FBI chief for a loyalty pledge. He understands separation of powers. You conspiracy clowns only believe in the justice system when your enemies are being investigated. When it’s your demigod under investigation, it’s heresy. I have no TDS, your cute little acronym for anyone who questions your omniscient leader. I believe in the rule of law, I believe Donald Trump has broken it, and I believe he’s going to pay.
  10. So, you want single party rule with an authoritarian leader? That’s not a democracy, my friend. Move to Hungary, or maybe Russia or China. Perhaps your vision of The US is something more like the North Korean model of a political system.
  11. A civil society needs a central authority. The role of that authority has been debated since the first constitutional convention. It’s not a question of good or bad, but of degree. Unbridled capitalism is as destructive as strict communism. The answer lies somewhere in between, and representative government is the best arbiter the world has come up with yet. We cannot exist in a zero sum world.
  12. Wow. I have no reason to question your education. That you would make such a statement indicates some level of an inferiority complex on your part. Your judgement of me as having a superiority complex when all I did was list 10 reasons in answer to Lumberton’s question seems a pathetic attempt at overcoming that complex. This is why I don’t come around here much. I find almost zero respect for differing opinions, and that is not healthy discourse. I wasn’t indoctrinated, either. I was a liberal before I ever got to Austin.
  13. Ok. I fully expected your response.
  14. 538000 jobs in July. Al Zawahiri killed. First gun safety bill in I don’t know when. Medicaid will be able to negotiate drug prices. Best climate change initiative in our history. $52 billion to help regain competitive edge in chip mfg. Reestablished our leadership role in NATO. Stands up to, not with, Putin. Reestablished conservation principles at Dept. of Interior. Brought decency and respect for the office of President back to the Oval Office.
  15. See my reply to Lumberton Raider Fan.
  16. Sitting down and listening to each other with empathy. Not judgement. With the Congress doing some sort of official recognition that centuries of considering a race of people, who’s forced labor helped launch the industrial revolution as chattel property, not human, has had deleterious effects that remain to this day. With voluntary reparations, not forced. A black family in Manhattan Beach CA had their beachfront property seized in 1924 using eminent domain by the city of Manhattan Beach after being harassed by the Klan and others, but not leaving. Last year, the city council voted 5-0 to return the property, worth millions, to the family. No one forced the city. It was a voluntary return. Things like that. Compassion, not disdain.
  17. Atonement. But I can’t tell you what that looks like.
  18. The frickin’ charges were dismissed for lack of evidence. That’s a fact. You think D’Souza is gonna accept facts when they threaten his take at the box office?
  19. Like you watch Michael Moore documentaries?
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