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UT alum

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Everything posted by UT alum

  1. I liked him. He was an honorable man from what I witnessed here. Sounds like we should all be glad he’s found his eternal prace.
  2. No one is being held accountable because after five years of investigation by a handpicked Trump special prosecutor no crime was found. Not even an indictment. There’s no “there” there. Like Benghazi. Like the Hunter Biden investigation will end. You guys put Don Quixote to shame.
  3. I don’t know. Why don’t you invent a number?
  4. Then why did the 19 come through Canada in 2000?
  5. I’d say the southern border patrol is doing their job. Eighty this fiscal year (October 1, I believe) and only two at the northern border. Common sense says the serious terrorists would cross where entrance is more lax. You know, like they did before 9-11. Follow fear at your peril.
  6. You can’t condemn and defend. You either shake the dust from your feet, or you go along to get what you want.
  7. New York is the only pace this case matters.
  8. Alan Dershowitz is a spineless shill. Trump was found liable by a jury of his peers in a civil court, not a political court where public opinion matters. A civil court where a jury hears evidence and in this case had to reach a UNANIMOUS verdict on each count to find against the defendant. You fool yourself to think anything else.
  9. No whatabouts. No US President had ever been held civilly liable for sexual assault and willful, malicious defamation. There is no equal nor is there any false equivalence you can make.
  10. To prove tape requires proving penetration by the penis. She couldn’t swear penetration because she couldn’t see it. Penetration by fingers is assault. It’s not a political hit. It was a civil suit, not a criminal charge. Six men and three women agreed unanimously on nine out of ten questions. Was Weinstein a hit? No. Sexual predators can’t get away with it as easily anymore. Nobody can “grab ‘em by the p***y” and expect to get away with it today.
  11. Whatabout don’t work here. I’m
  12. So, I guess the jury was rigged? I can’t wait to see how he’s defended in here. This IS the equivalent is shooting someone on Fifth Avenue. Will he lose any voters?
  13. I didn’t miss it. It’s so obvious it doesn’t deserve comment. InfoWars - the consummate conspiracy channel.
  14. Infowars? Really? The Sandy Hook deniers? I saw no evidence of Ray Epps doing anything but exercising his first amendment rights. No one was forced to listen or obey. No criminal trespass, no assault, no battery, no destruction of property. Tuckums and Lyin’ Ted just spun ya’ll up like a ball of cotton candy.
  15. See? I my be a liberal, but I try and use common sense when evaluating positions.
  16. Not enough of info, but I don’t care for the editorial implication that bad credit indicates deadbeat behavior. Medical bills, unexpected job loss, disabling illness, many causes of bankruptcy besides poor money management. It doesn’t say how much the fee is, if it applies to all good credit mortgages or only those over a certain amount. The way the article states it, bad idea. Subsidizing sub-prime mortgages reeks of 2007.
  17. Bernie did a lousy job of getting a point across. His argument, led somewhat by Wallace’s questioning, confused income with wealth. He wants a progressive rather than regressive income tax. I haven’t heard of anyone earning a billion a year. But his argument seemed more focused on the wealth gap, not the income gap. Estate tax manages the wealth gap. I got no problem with maxing inheritances at a billion.
  18. I don’t believe the DOJ is involved. The Supremes police themselves, and they don’t want to give that up regardless of ideology. THAT was the point of their letter, not Thomas’ ethics or lack thereof.
  19. [Hidden Content] Read the actual statement. They unanimously agreed that they don’t want any outsiders providing any oversight. No mention of Thomas. They closed ranks to protect the club. Your freaking source started out with an appeal for money to help them spread their right wing take on news events. That’s not journalism.
  20. What are you even talking about? BlackRock is the world’s largest asset manager. An investment fund. That’s what they do. Buy and sell stocks and bonds. They don’t tell companies how to operate. They invest in them according to their anticipated performance.
  21. I like folded like a cheap suit. Rupert obviously builds court settlements into cost-benefit analysis of how he presents news. I really believe he canned him because of the disparaging emails about him, Lachlan, and other senior management. Pride overrode profit.
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