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UT alum

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Everything posted by UT alum

  1. Why didn’t he quit? He said he hated Trump, albeit in a way he didn’t dream would ever be made public, but continued to the end his fawning devotion to the man. Why would you stoop to such professional dishonesty if you didn’t need to? Yl
  2. Heresay in general, though Anita Hill was under oath. Indicates a pattern. Kinda like “ grab ‘em by the...
  3. No doubt. He sexually harassed plenty of them. I’ll bet he lets Crow call him “boy”.
  4. Wait a minute…if CBS reported it, it’s fake by definition, right? Or is FAKE NEWS only fake when it doesn’t fit your narrative? Emission rules proposed are designed to change auto production to 2/3 of cars and 1/4 of heavy trucks be electric by 2032. No one will be forced. There’ll still be an option for internal combustion autos. That also gives 9 years to build our infrastructure for electric autos. Refineries won’t be shut down. Other uses for petroleum will be discovered, if they haven’t been already. Chicken little rules in this forum.
  5. He should report it at the very least. Clarence Thomas lacks ethics. I don’t think that of any other Justice, conservative or liberal.
  6. It won’t burn to the ground. This aggression will not stand, man.
  7. What does your answer have to do with your statement “ This country will never be united”? And, when I referenced hate, I wasn’t accusing a particular political party or ideology. Hate pervades our society. Kindness appears to be in hibernation, regardless the political stripe.
  8. It is still the United States. There has been no secession I’m aware of. Division of opinion is not a political division. The problem with extremism is that everything is zero sum. You either get your way (win) or you don’t (lose). This country was built on, and will survive by compromise. This spate of hate we’re going through won’t last. That kind of bad juju burns itself out eventually.
  9. UT alum


    MAGA has a new meaning: My A** Got Arrested!!! [Hidden Content]
  10. Man, I don’t even know how to answer that. You take one clause from a sentence and apply it in a universal sense. I care greatly about our rights, our Constitution, and our country.
  11. What do you mean? He hasn’t been held to the law. It’s all been Congressional investigations. They are nowhere near the same.
  12. I can’t believe you’re really that dense. The population of New York County (Manhattan) was 1,694,250 in 2020 per US census. 603,040 voted Democrat. That means 35.6 percent of the people in Manhattan voted Democrat. Does that sink into your skull at all? 86.4 percent of votes cast went Democrat, but more people didn’t vote than did.
  13. Whatever. I don’t care if it hurts his chances, I don’t care if it helps his chances. The law is the law and applies to all.
  14. “Potential jurors are randomly selected from lists of registered voters, holders of driver’s licenses or ID’s issued by the Division of Motor Vehicles, New York State income tax filers, recipients of unemployment insurance or family assistance, and from volunteers” - per nyjuror.gov, Dec. 5, 2022. What’s your point?
  15. Hey, Don, check out my answer to Reagan in the “JoeBama To Cut Medicare Blah Blah Blah”. He couldn’t come back on it.
  16. Trump might not do the books, but he signed the checks.
  17. Okay, I forget. You don’t believe people take oaths seriously, whether poll workers or jury members. 86% of the vote was democrat. Every person living in New York didn’t vote. How many people voted? Maybe 60% of eligible voters. Do you know how many people aren’t even registered? I don’t, but the national average is around 50%, I believe. The jury pool will probably be around 150. They’ll be able to find 12 who don’t know enough about the case or even care about it one way or the other to listen objectively to the evidence.
  18. I don’t have a strategy. A grand jury saw enough evidence to indict him. He will have a trial by a jury of his peers. He will be found either innocent or guilty. That’s how the court system works. I have no idea how it will affect his election chances, and I don’t care. This is a country of laws. The best court system in the world. He’s a citizen just like you and me, and should be so treated.
  19. This time he’ll be judged by a jury of his peers, not a political jury of his sycophants. Big difference.
  20. I don’t see how a successful business, especially of the caliber Trump claims, makes 34 clerical errors all related to the same subject. The felony that will stick even if the federal and state election law crimes don’t is state income tax evasion. You wanna bet on that collapse?
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