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UT alum

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Everything posted by UT alum

  1. Obviously you didn’t read the indictment. “The Grand Jury of the county of New York, by this indictment, accuses the defendant of the crime of FALSIFYING BUSINESS RECORDS IN THE FIRST DEGREE. Thirty four times.
  2. Agreed. I don’t scream in anybody’s face. And, labeling them deplorables was the stupidest thing not only Hillary, but anyone has ever done politically.
  3. What are you calling the left, Bub? I’m a liberal and I take extreme offense at being referred to as immoral, perverted, hate filled, or a liar. That depiction in itself encapsulates the hate and authoritarianism that the MAGA wing of the Republican Party embraces. Edited
  4. I’ll tell you what I say. Medicare advantage is a ripoff. Insurance was my occupation before I retired. I bought a Medicare supplement policy because it made the most sense economically. Every financial consultant comment I have read says buying the supplement instead of Advantage is the wiser financial move. Just think about it. How many advantage commercials do you see over supplement commercials? I’d guess ten to one. Why would that be? Maybe because the advantage plans are more profitable to the insurance company. I always thought the profit was because of the managed care aspect and the copays. You can’t go to your doctor of choice with advantage. You can’t see a specialist without a referral. With a supplement plan you can go see any doctor anywhere of any specialty as long as they take Medicare. No copays. Besides, they aren’t cutting advantage. They are reducing the number of diagnosis codes that can apply to a medical condition. Why? Because the insurance companies were abusing the coding to collect extra money. If one has high blood pressure because of diabetes, why should the insurance company collect for diabetes and high blood pressure? Treating the blood pressure is part of managing the diabetes. Why the heck anyone would trust anything Breitbart says without verification is beyond me.
  5. So, the headline reads “EPA regulations to cost billions”. The first paragraph says it “could cost billions”. Those are contradictory statements. I read the EPA guidelines and they only talk about helping communities identify and inform if higher concentrations exist. It says nothing about treatment mandates. It talks about identifying source contamination, further research into the hazards, etc. Brad Parscale is a disruptor. American Greatness is a vehicle for spreading disinformation. Ingest all the PFAS you want. Run your water through lead pipes. Above all, spread distrust about our public health services. Good American.
  6. UT alum


    TDS has got nothing on ODS.
  7. I don’t believe any source I see cited on here. You all build your realities on false information and lies. Get it into court, then I’ll weigh in.
  8. I like my steak medium rare. The only thing that offends me is persistent ignorance.
  9. If it wasn’t for insults, you wouldn’t have no schtick at all…
  10. I always respected Shep Smith. He’ s a good hard newsperson. All the FOX headed viewers I ever talked to sneered when I told them I thought he was fair and balanced. They didn’t like him. I don’t need a lecture about the difference between a professional journalist and an ex-house painter.
  11. Election denialism for one. January 6 was a peaceful demonstration for two. All three talking heads saying one thing on air and admitting in private they knew it wasn’t true for three. Rupert Murdoch admitting under oath that they knew they were spreading false information for four.
  12. Here’s something from a group you all cherish, veterans, until they disagree with you. Can’t wait to see how you all denigrate them. This ad was produced and sent to the Pentagon.
  13. Yeah, pretty crazy. I think singularity is much more likely than immortality.
  14. Here: [Hidden Content] i’ve seen Forbes quoted here to support various positions. I guess they’re only true when they support your narrative.
  15. Do you realize how long 40,000 hours is? You could edit every bit of violence out and make it look like a walk in the park. That doesn’t mean that the violence didn’t happen. Tucker Carlson is a liar who cares about nothing but his personal wealth. He was crying to get the election reporters at FOX who were telling the truth fired so that the value of his FOX stock wouldn’t plummet. Since I can’t use the appropriate descriptive here, I’ll just say he’s a big kitty. And the gateway pundit is the king of not just fake news, but outright lies as well.
  16. Only extreme liberalism is anti-capitalist. I don’t consider you a fascist just because you are conservative. Only the right wing extremists harbor fascism. But you can paint with whatever brush suits you.
  17. No, I don’t. I do a lot of volunteer conservation work that I consider a somewhat of an offset. I said nothing about keeping up. I was merely pointing out the fact that demand will create ways to be met.
  18. Reported today in the Houston Chronicle: New start up in Houston to recycle 1,800 metric tons of lithium batteries to keep minerals in Texas. Capitalism 101 at work. New demand will create new markets (and new jobs). Quit being chicken little about things you just don’t like.
  19. Murdoch didn’t lie. He told the truth under oath. He knew that Carlson, Hannity, Bartiromo, Dobbs, Pirro we’re all misleading viewers about the 2020 Presidential election.
  20. It is from his deposition taken under oath. What is fake about that? Like I said, ya’lls news sources create realities that bring the ratings, not the truth.
  21. Rupert Murdoch admits under oath his employees knowingly lied to FOX viewers about the big lie, and you talk about crickets! The walls are crumbling and you folks are using toothpicks to try and shore them up. So, when the jury decides against the liars, who will the liars be then? The whole thing will be rigged? I can’t wait to see the squirming spin dance you do for that one.
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