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UT alum

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Everything posted by UT alum

  1. It’s really not worthy of reply. Did they most all concede? Did they not all eventually accept the fact that democracy is? You all have a bad habit of taking things out of context and shoe horning it into your your conspiratory narratives, much like you did the Morgan Freeman piece. That one was not worthy of a reply. Crow all you want, it’s falling on deaf ears here.
  2. Yeah. That’s why I’ve been unable to find any recycling source in S/E Texas besides aluminum cabs.
  3. Man, this site is the palace of condescension if you’re a liberal. Liberals are called terrible things in this space. The liberal condescends and it gets called out. The hypocrisy of the right. What does indiscriminate disposal of plastic waste have to do with what we’re talking about?
  4. [Hidden Content] i know linear thinkers gave a hard time with conceptual thinking. The increase does not mean answers come automatically, but as the body of knowledge expands exponentially, solutions to problems accelerate as well.
  5. Considering that knowledge was doubling at a rate of every 50 years or so in the early 20th century and is estimated to be doubling every 13 months today, I don’t think I’m being unrealistic.
  6. We beat them 71-60 on Feb 25 2022. That would have been the same round as Friday. One game short of the quarterfinal.
  7. Ya’ll sound like the old buggy whip makers who railed against the notion that an automobile could ever replace the horse. Tempus fugit, whether your watch stops or not.
  8. Noted. That’s a supply problem, though. The national grids are all pretty much outdated. Some worse than others, i.e. ERCOT.
  9. I’m a lefty and I think nucular is a viable alternative.
  10. Oh, you mean the way it used to be legal to dump salt water in the woods until injection technology came along to displace it? Nothing’s 100%. If it had to be, nothing would advance.
  11. How a joke? He’s selling a mighty lot of them for it to be a joke. Prices have come down from 70-100k when they were first introduced to models that now sell for around 40k. Where has rolling blackouts because of electric vehicles been reported?
  12. The only problem with your assumption is that technology is always advancing. New disposal and/or recycling technologies will develop with the industry.
  13. This year’s team broke ‘72’s record of 12 - 0 before losing in the quarterfinal to Brenham 21-20. 50 years it stood as the standard in SHS football annals.
  14. Yeah, Owens, and they had another tall hotshot but I can’t remember. I was there, too. Bmt. High gym, I think.
  15. I will never forget we played Houston Wheatley, ranked #1 in 4A (we were 3A) in a warmup after district play. They had a guy named Eddie Williams, I think went on to UH maybe the NBA. They were breaking the clock regularly, and were somewhat dismayed they didn’t do it on us. I think the final was 98-69, but we were whooping and hollering because they couldn’t score 100. I’m pretty sure they went on and won state in 4A.
  16. Eddie Fobbs. ‘72 was my senior year. Rufus Cook, William Walters, and Jim Bowen weren’t slouches, either. Montgomery had a pretty deep bench.
  17. Where’s your stats? I looked up census numbers in Texas ca. 1860 and over 25 percent of landowners owned slaves. As adult males represent about half the adult population and women couldn’t own land unless widowed or divorced, and children couldn’t either, I’d say closer to 50% of families had slaves. Where’s your stats?
  18. Yeah, that’s how all you fascists are. “Keep your mouth shut if you don’t agree with me.” If you had the power, I’m sure you’d have me arrested.
  19. Look it up in the frickin’ dictionary. It’s not that hard to understand.
  20. Are you insane, or just that ignorant? The first two presidents were slave owners. Abraham Lincoln was racist, recognized it, and tried to rectify it. Roger Taney, US Supreme Court Chief Justice who authored the Dredd Scott decision. President Woodrow Wilson was racist. FDR wouldn’t meet with Jesse Owens and appointed Hugo Black, a former KKK member, to the Supreme Court. Black did reform his views over the course of time, but the fact remains. Presidential candidate George Wallace, governor Lester Mattox. That’s off the top of my head.
  21. I read a book in 6th grade about George Washington Carver. Not in a textbook, but a school library book. That one’s probably been tossed from Florida schools. Made him look smart as a white man. Can’t have that.
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