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UT alum

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Everything posted by UT alum

  1. What? Negotiation with who? The vote was 220 Republicans for, 213 Democrats and one Republican against. McCarthy negotiated it with his caucus so he could be speaker. They didn’t negotiate the blackball rule with Democrats.
  2. Bill Barr is a liar and a political shill. The Black Lives Matter movement is a civil rights movement that pretty much coincides with cops having to wear body cams and the advent of instant steaming from mobile devices showing them murdering black suspects for no other reason than that they could. I know it won’t matter, but if it makes one person think, it’s worth it: [Hidden Content]#
  3. It was agreed to by members of one party , a party that does not tolerate dissent. Hell, the Duma votes, and members are elected. Does that make Russia a democracy?
  4. I read a NY Post piece that made many accusations based on circumstantial evidence. So, he supports the Left. What of it? Don’t see where he’s accused of any crimes. The dude’s got a lot of cash, and last I heard, peoples have the right to spend their money as they see fit within the bounds of law. Can’t wait ‘til the House Wuhan Committee comes up empty handed. Interesting to read they don’t plan to call any Trump people involved in the Covid-19 debacle. Just Biden people. Sounds like a witch hunt…
  5. Maybe Trump wondering aloud why he couldn’t order the army or the Guard to shoot protesters, if not to kill at least kneecap. Restriction of voter rights and access. Mississippi statehouse filing a bill to usurp the City of Jackson’s right to elect their local judges and other political representatives. That’s a start.
  6. In a room full of smartasses, it’s hard to tell. Good to know we agree on something. Didn’t mean to offend.
  7. It’s a freakin’ metaphor. To be chastised about inappropriate comments in here is what’s beyond the pale
  8. He’s a rich liberal. Can back his talk up with bucks. Drives FOX News crazy. A good red herring, he’s even got the anti-Semite crowd to lie on him.
  9. Bunch of armchair quarterbacks and wheel chair generals in here.
  10. The yahoo piece leans heavy on economic factors, says nothing about “leaving hellholes”. When those people start learning low taxes mean poor services, something else will shift. Pot holes and bad flood and zoning planning are just a shout away.
  11. What the heck’s wrong with that? Like no conservatives have funded radical right judges? Give me a break.
  12. Uh, I think experts in the ‘70s are either retired or dead by now. How is Soros undermining this country? He is a red herring for the right to distract you while they’re busy picking your pocket.
  13. I don’t defend any big money. Koch gives to the right like Soros does the left, and he’s hell bent on destroying the environment. That’s evil in my book. Soros for whatever reason is evil in your book.
  14. Did you not see where Bradberry admitted that he held? They didn’t get took, they got their Eagle butts beat. We agree Unwoke! I don’t care if the call was right or not if it went against the birds.
  15. No, it won’t. The right wing fascists who have weaseled their way in to Congress will facilitate the implosion. Only takes one to call for removal of the Speaker. Doesn’t sound very democratic to me. It will sway more voters back to the center.
  16. Got an demographic evidence to support that? Love to see it.
  17. I didn’t condemn the Republican. Merely pointing out the bipartisan nature. Bipartisans seem to be RINOs in your world. I respect them.
  18. You conveniently left out mention of the un-named Republican senator who cosponsored the funding with Senator Obama. RINO, no doubt. Sounds like something Tucker Carlson will have a field day with. “I don’t know, but it sure sounds like it could be something”.
  19. Nor to the hypocrisy of the right…
  20. I don’t know of any who drank with underage girls they taught. That’s a character issue, not a “view”. The gun “view” is in direct contradiction in real time of the “view” he adopts publicly to keep on the right side of the second amendment extremists. That is neither smear or unhinged. People have been leaving the “blue states” for Florida since before he was born. They’re called retirees from up north.
  21. Thank you. Laughter’s good for the soul. I’d rather have you laughing at me than cussing at me.
  22. [Hidden Content] First, pictures surface of DeSantis drinking with underage girls who attended the school WHERE HE WAS A TEACHER. Now, Mr. Second Amendment wants guns banned from his electoral celebration, but big chicken wants someone else to be the one that says no. GOP slo-mo implosion is a thing of beauty to watch.
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