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UT alum

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Everything posted by UT alum

  1. You’re delusional. Trump had his head so far up up Un’s rear end it was truly a pathetic thing to watch.
  2. Yeah, so I ban them from the Thanksgiving table. Whatever… As to topic, you said, “I have an issue with communist countries period”, if China’s the topic, you were off it.
  3. Yeah, man, I say be more like the Russians! You don’t even know what the Russian army announcer was saying. Must be why so many have fled to keep from being conscripted. Must be why they can’t roll over a country less than a third their size. I’ll bet that girl could drop a drone missile down your chimney blindfolded. You’re so eat up by “woke” you can’t think straight.
  4. I guarantee if you own many t-shirts, you got a couple were made in Vietnam. We have a fairly robust and equitable trade relationship with them. It’s a communist government. So what, there are shady communists and trustworthy communists? Or you think we should sever relations because of their form of government?
  5. Well, I don’t agree with my side on that one. Everyone uses it as a wedge, with no apparent regard for the need to heal. Webster’s dictionary defines racism as: “A belief that race is a fundamental determinant oh human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race”. Now, I have had many many conversations about race with African Americans in my 68 years, and have yet to hear one argue that they are superior. Their desire is to be regarded as equal. That is not to say that there isn’t prejudice among blacks against whites, but that is distinctly different from racism. I’ve heard plenty of whites in my 68 years voice the opinion that a black person is not their equal, no how no way. These distinctions are important if there is to be any constructive debate about our differences and similarities. Now it can’t even be talked about in school. Sad.
  6. A German is a foreigner. A Russian, a Finn, a Swede, a Brit et cetera et cetera et cetera ad nauseum. Xenophobia is not racism. Conflating them is a racist tool used to confuse and disrupt constructive discourse on the topic. Shorthand for “be afraid”.
  7. The post Ivreferred to was on Truth Social, not Twitter, and said nothing negative about President Biden.
  8. Like I said, angling for a pardon in Biden’s second term.
  9. It ain’t that simple. They own one half of one percent of U.S. farmland. Many foreign companies and investors own farmland here, and a lot more than that. So no, in light of a global economy, it’s not odd. It’s economics. Throwing xenophobia on the issue is just slinging Molotov cocktails thinking it’ll fix everything. [Hidden Content]
  10. Go to Truth Social and see for yourself.
  11. [Hidden Content] Looks like he’s angling for a pardon after Biden gets re-elected.
  12. With another country, maybe, but not an investor from another country. If BMW wants to build a plant in Silsbee, the fed should oversee that? I don’t think so.
  13. Unless the group was tied to Taliban or Al Quaeda or other groups designated as terrorize actors by State Dept, or whoever so designates.
  14. Probably. Many people have said…..
  15. I thought they were acting on info provided by the Air Force. And yeah, I believe in local control. Funny how things flip over time. Republican mantra used to be local control. Now, they want big brother telling us what to read, how to teach - you know, the stuff local school boards used to have autonomy over.
  16. Take the easy target, not the one I based my premise on.
  17. I see no problem with legal business transactions. Capital is capital. So what, anyway? When their economy tanks we’ll buy it all back like when Japan cratered.
  18. No comment on Greenspan’s remarks, of course.
  19. [Hidden Content] So what? Look at Trump’s school’s donations.
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