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UT alum

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Everything posted by UT alum

  1. Everyone working for a living wage.
  2. I’ll give you low unemployment, but the rest is hogwash to me. What jobs came back? He didn’t stand up to Iran, he just mooned them. Got about a hundred miles of wall built that can be penetrated with a battery operated saws all, again he just mooned the UN, he didn’t “put them in their place”. You forgot to mention NATO. He mooned them too. Had he really put them in their place, imagine how elated Putin would be right now. The infrastructure bill was something Trump talked about doing almost monthly. Biden got one done in less than a year. Granted, he hasn’t gotten a lot else done yet, but no harm, no foul.
  3. I confess I protested too loudly. I don’t spend a lot of time here, and the reason is because of the bile spewed by a few. You are right. My brush was too broad. I enjoy talking with people of opposing opinions when they doesn’t devolve into sophomoric name calling.
  4. Uh, I think he was talking about you…
  5. Ad hominem, right there. Could be used as an example in the dictionary.
  6. Yeah, Hagar, I didn’t mean to lump you in, either. I don’t call individuals racist, but I will call it out when I see what I believe to be it. That’s what my little Get Woke About It ditty was about. The ones who deny its existence are the ones I watch out for.
  7. Point taken. Not all, but most, in my experience, but again I don’t spend a lot of time on here because it suck’s the energy from me like a vampire sucks blood. I’d love to have a rational discussion with you.
  8. Again, ad hominem attacks are all you know. I can’t count one thing of substance since you started railing on me and my folks. So, I guess it’s cool if I start talking trash about your mama. I figure you hiding behind this screen makes you feel like Superman.
  9. Ad hominem. That’s all you know. And I told you, my parents are both dead. I’d appreciate you leaving them be. You’re an insensitive ass.
  10. Trump’s record deficit after record deficit finally caught up
  11. I may trash conservatives as a group, but I try not to attack the person I’m debating with. That’s ad hominem. You don’t argue the subject, you trash the one you’re arguing against. I can’t say much to defend Biden at the moment, though I think we’ll be surprised be the economy in two years. I will say the deficit has shrunk sizeably this year. Trump has all the earmarks of an authoritarian ruler, and that’s not what I want for a leader. I watched the Capitol riot from start to finish, and I want a leader who immediately jumps on such an affront, not wait four hours then say go home (but we wuz still robbed). He’s a coward.
  12. That’s not ad hominem, but that’s beside the point. I’m with you 100% on paper ballots, four person counting teams, and manual tabulation. The way we did it back in the day. I still believe that if what this documentary says is true, it would have been exposed and corrected long ago. I happen to believe in our institutions, and DOJ takes election integrity very seriously, as does also the Texas Secretary of State, in the past, regardless of the party holding the office. I’ll watch the documentary and throw in my two cents worth.
  13. I encourage everybody who reads this thread to look up the term ad hominem, whether or not you already know its meaning. The reason I come here only occasionally is because that form of rhetoric is used almost exclusively in every debate (here they seem to be arguments). It becomes tiring in a hurry. The only person who stands out of the ones I’ve encountered here is Steve Nash, May he Rest In Peace. That man would engage in an intellectual debate most readily and effectively. As for most everyone else, the argument is against the opponent’s character or misjudged lack thereof. Ad hominem rhetoric has been perfected by who seems to be the Lord and Savior of most on this blog, Donald J. Trump. You all parrot him perfectly, chapter and verse. I get tired of it in a hurry. How about trying to think for yourselves, and make your arguments for your case, instead of against your opponent. We might actually make some progress towards compromise, which is what the Founders so ingeniously designed our Constitution to achieve among competing points of view. That’s all I have to say about that…
  14. Classic, man, classic. “Many people have said…”. “Seen or read or heard many stories” you claim to know are third person accounts. Probably most of them told by Tucker Carlson. If you know so many cases of “poor performance” covered for as racist or sexist, or “I didn’t do nothing” covered for as police harassment, state your case citing actual people you know. First or second hand, not third party narratives. How about this one: A friend’s daughter was in the Navy, stationed on the carrier Nimitz in the Persian Gulf. She got tied to a chair, a dildo strapped on her, and wheeled around the deck, humiliated as her crew members heckled and laughed. No one was disciplined. And, I’d bet dollars to donuts that experience is not anecdotal. It is painfully obvious that your bias is totally confirmed by the little bubble you live in. As 45 would say, “Sad”.
  15. See my reply to Engelbert. I am consumed only by a desire to see fairness and an even playing field for all.
  16. See my reply to Englebert. I’m not tearing down. I’m truth telling.
  17. First off, my parents are dead a-hole. Second off, my wife was the woman in the union. She was the second woman admitted into the apprentice program in the Dallas carpenters local. She joined because she could quit a minimum wage job wearing a skirt behind a desk and make $12.50 an hour learning a trade. She endured three years of sexual harassment on the job site, discrimination, and was even sexually harassed by the union lawyer who was supposed to be on her side. Where did she fail? Third off, the African American in the song is based on a friend of mine who is a sportswriter. One night he was in Hollywood after a game he covered and was walking with five other people, all white and they all crossed the street between lights. A cop whirled up out of nowhere and started harassing him, hands on the car and all that, for jaywalking all the while saying nothing to the white people standing agape at what they were seeing. If not for their protestations that if he was breaking the law, then they all were, he probably would have gone to jail. Where did he fail? Fourth off, where do you get I called everyone racist? If you read what I wrote with even a hairsbreadth width of an open mind, you’d see I said “chances are” the white man would say kiss my whatever. That’s elementary arithmetic, Engelbert. “Chances are” means greater than 50/50, not “all”. And in my experience as a white man growing up and dwelling in southeast Texas all my life, more than 50% of the white people I’ve ever known would make that retort. I posted this mainly to test a hypothesis. I don’t think you MAGA heads have a sense of humor. You only laugh at people when you do laugh, not with them unless they’re all in agreement with you laughing at the ones you don’t like. That’s not humor. That’s a circle jerk. The mind is like a parachute. It only works when it’s open.
  18. He got impeached for it wisenheimer. The election is totally independent of Trump. Show me hard evidence of fraud. You can’t because it doesn’t exist.
  19. Ain’t got nuthin’ to do with Trump, dufus. My wife was in the union in the seventies and what I wrote happened to her. An African. American friend who is a sportswriter got jumped for jaywalking in Hollywood when the five white people who jaywalked with him weren’t even spoken to. What the duck that got to do with Orange Man? You close to worshiping a false idol, seems to me.
  20. Why haven’t they taken it to a prosecutor? Fox News lawyers? Give me a break!
  21. You people are living in an alternate reality that threatens our Democracy. There is NO FORENSIC EVIDENCE that any election fraud was committed. The Big Lie has done more damage than the KGB, who’s been trying to destabilize confidence in our institutions since Stalin. If you don’t get off of it, we’ll be like Hungary or Belarus in less than ten years. This is absolutely shameful behavior. As a 40 year election worker, it’s also insulting. We take pride in getting the count right, and the system is set up to be virtually fail safe. Just quit prattling on about a system you know nothing about. At least get the election handbook from the Texas Secretary of State and read it before you go on and on with this nonsense.
  22. I wrote a poem/song I just had to share with you folks. The title is the title,and it’s based on experiences of people I know. My Baby is a pioneer, I’m tellin’ you she has no fear She joined the carpenters local When they were just a bunch of yokels, They tried to shame her But she never showed a tear. Well, her foreman fired her ‘cause she was a girl, The union took her cause up in a whirl Her lawyer won her case, Then tried to give her a chase When she just stopped by to get what she deserved You can b*tch about Woke Til your voice box is broke And it ain’t gonna change the facts It’s a white man’s world, You can ask any girl, Chances are she’ll say kiss my a**. I got a buddy’s who’s a mighty fine man. Only problem, he’s darker than tan. When he crossed the street, The cop on the beat Wanted to whip him just as hard as he can. Oh, this old world ain’t too fair Unless you got white skin and straight hair. As for everybody else, you can ask ‘em for yourself, That is, if you really care. You can bi*ch about Woke ’Til your voice box is broke, But it ain’t gonna change the facts. Ask a white man if his brother Is a person of color, Chances are he’ll say kiss my a**! …and that’s the truth… .
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