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UT alum

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Everything posted by UT alum

  1. Anybody ever read Richard III?
  2. What is this supposed to mean? Starting in March, the 2020 table you reference shows the percentage of deaths relative to expected deaths is 103%. It rises to 142% of expected deaths in late April, and stays roughly between 110-120% through August. Those are excess deaths. Are you using this table to refute Covid severity? I’d say excess over expected deaths pretty well proves it out.
  3. Yeah, I was a little quick on the call out. A no-vote is a valid response if can find no reason to support either side. Passions running high, brother.
  4. What goes around comes around. The sins of the fathers are visited to, what, seven generations?
  5. There is a BIG difference in hatred borne out of fear and hatred borne out of superiority. If you can’t acknowledge that, no further exchanges are necessary. And no, I am not suggesting sixth grade is the same as it was. But, 400 years of thinking is not going to go away in 50 years. The change is slow, but it could accelerate with some basic acknowledgments.
  6. Yeah, that was a little extreme on my part. Thanks for the call.
  7. I speak from knowledge and experience. I was in the 6th grade in Silsbee Tx when schools here began voluntary integration. My friends, some still living here, and more white kids in general than not would say at various times in various settings say “I hate n*****s”. Ten, eleven year old kids. Hate like that is learned. It is taught. Hate is a strong emotion that will influence anyone’s thinking. Many of these kids had parents who were school teachers, business people, civic leaders. They were taught this kind of thinking at home, just as I was fortunate enough to have parents who taught acceptance. Their parents were taught that hatred, and their parents before them and so on back to the settlement of this land by the white conquerors. When it is ingrained that deeply in any society, the norms and laws will reflect it. You can deny it all you want, but that don’t mean it ain’t true.
  8. You miss the point again, sir. The two PHD’s still have to look over their shoulders when shopping at a store, or even driving down the road, knowing the security/police people see them differently because of the color of their skin. They will get pulled over driving 1 mph over the limit when an undegreed whitey like me can get away with 7 or 8 mph over. It’s systemic. The way societies are taught. The way the laws are made and enforced stems from that.
  9. He’s under audit by his own account. There are obviously issues. Your claim of imbedded trump haters in the IRS is pure speculation.
  10. What if they’re not? Is not the circumstantial evidence overwhelming? Just the fact he refuses to release the things that will exonerate him if he’s telling the truth is darn near prima facie evidence that he’s got stuff to hide. That you would cheer his birther attack on President Obama requiring an official document as the only valid proof of his citizenship, then let him skate over something as significant as a half billion in debt to unknown creditors when the proof exists in an official document that he could produce is absolutely unfathomable to me. I refuse to believe you are that divorced from logical thinking.
  11. UT alum


    Silly ain’t a bad thing. Laughter is contagious, and it spreads good will with no side effects.
  12. They’ve worked pretty well where they’ve been used. Coming out if the gate, masks weren’t enough. We had to take drastic measures because there was so much uncertainty over this virus. It’s called novel coronavirus because it is new. Better to be overly cautious than to wind up where we are.
  13. The documents are IRS forms, man. They are tax returns. Not opinions. Stuff that went to the IRS over trump’s signature.
  14. Wear masks, social distancing, limit crowd gatherings, test, quarantine, contact trace. Initiated and directed from the top. Not rocket science. Not only would a Democrat leader had done that back around the first of March, a competent Republican leader would have done the same.
  15. Sorry, but I gotta call a cop-out when I see one. Pick a side. You don’t have to share your choice with anyone. If you can’t vote the top of the ticket, why vote for anything below it?
  16. UT alum


    Even I appreciate a well placed period, regardless of it’s author.
  17. So, you think the documents don’t exist? Physical reality no longer has bearing in truth? We got a case where the thing speaks for itself here, and you can only deny that the thing is real. The string of denial eventually, always, runs out. Your emperor has no clothes.
  18. “Observe the side that resorts to the most vociferous name calling, and you are likely to have identified the side with the weaker argument, and they know it.” - Charles R. Anderson trump only smoked one Democrat. He smoked fifteen republicans to get his first nomination. I say this as if facts really matter in your universe.
  19. Brainwashed. The Barker rules!
  20. The Master Carnival Barker and his posse of trained dogs and ponies got ya’ll all in a tizzy about his taxes. Who gives a rat’s patootie about that? Everyone should maximize the tax code to their advantage. Big deal. As a result, no one’s asking the bigger question: Who in the hell is holding almost a half a billion in personally guaranteed notes due over the next four years? The incompetent idiot burned through $400,000,000 he chiseled his fellow heirs out of from his daddy. He’s burned through another $400,000,000 or so he got from palling up with Mark Burnett. Now, he’s apparently burned through another $400,000,000 borrowed from unnamed sources probably not American, since he’s burned through the capital markets here with the zeal of an arsonist. Wouldn’t you like to know for sure that Putin’s not his co-signer this time around?
  21. And the meter keeps running. Will top 20O,000 Americans dead this weekend. To top that off, that sorry SOB said airborne transmission was good so he wouldn’t have to “shake those disgusting people’s hands”. Sounds like he really thinks his peeps are deplorables. I’m assuming that since no one has given a plausible defense of his total mishandling of this crisis that you’re all good with it. Mighty sad.
  22. Just wanted to see how many heads I could explode.
  23. Population and frequency are generally linked. Think auto accidents. Think virus spreads. Also, the Pacific Northwest (Oregon, Washington)contains part of the world’s largest temperate rain forest. Climate is changing that, so we’ll see what the future holds.
  24. Hagar, do you even know what an anarchist is? It’s someone who rebels against ANY authority, established order, or ruling power. They ain’t Democrats. By definition. Quit lumping them in with a political party.
  25. Infrastructure spending will utilize private industry. Converting US fleet to electric will utilize private industry and spur competition for manufacturing not only of the vehicles, but the charging stations. All using American labor. Public/private collaborations can accomplish astonishing things. Payroll taxes on incomes over $400,000 will significantly stabilize Social Security. You asked me to pitch Biden. I didn’t expect you to buy any of it.
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