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UT alum

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Everything posted by UT alum

  1. Is “what about” you guys’ only argument? I don’t equate Republicans with racists. Again, the subject is way too complex. Finger pointing and name calling is infantile, and infants aren’t entrusted to deal with complex issues. Please understand I am not calling you an infant.
  2. I’d say redlining begun after WWll with the GI bill helped begin the demise of the big cities. It’s too complex to blame on one party or one policy. If everything is reduced to zero-sum in politics, we’re doomed as a democracy.
  3. I’m a Democrat and I favor the college. Don’t be so quick to stereotype.
  4. Electors were created by the constitution as a compromise between those in the convention who wanted the House of Representatives to elect the president and those who wanted a popular vote among the people to elect the president. Where did your “theory” come from?
  5. Did you just choke on your coffee there, Hagar?
  6. Check with your party’s precinct chair. It shouldn’t be too hard for them to find you a poll to work. You take the step. Don’t wait on the state, snowflake.
  7. So much easier to tear down than build up. Lazy man’s thinking.
  8. The only times I’v had my doubts were Nixon and the Orange Orangutang.
  9. Corruption is baked into the system. It’s as old as humanity. Private, public, non-profit, corruption knows no boundary. We do our best in spite of it. Besides, if you support Trump, I can’t see how that claim doesn’t choke you.
  10. So did some of the guys who invaded the Capitol. You got no problem with Vindman. Putin seeks to destabilize our institutions. Looks like you’re doing the same. Let’s don’t trust each other. Surest way to fail.
  11. And how might I be a danger? I trust the institutional integrity of our democracy. If you don’t, you’re doing Putin’s bidding. I’d say that makes you the danger.
  12. He overcame a lifelong speech impediment and I’d have the ass if everyone jumped on any and every misspoken word And spoke. One thing he is not is a pathological liar.
  13. Have you examined his mental state? I am aware of no diagnosis of “senility” as you call it. Another mainstream right wing media lie?
  14. “People who have nothing to hide don’t destroy evidence to keep it from being publicly archived as required by federal law” - Donald Trump in 2016 about Hillary’s emails. Which time was he lying, then or now?
  15. Every bit of what I read is hearsay. Was it even sworn testimony? Putin’s got you in his hip pocket.
  16. Trump ain’t down yet.
  17. Mice do not have the capacity for rational thought. Cute little joke, but that’s about it.
  18. They want to live in a country that offers religious freedom, not a theocracy. You are confusing religion with a form of governance. Muslim Iranians left in droves in the 70’s and 80’s when the Ayatollah took over. Even Saddam let Muslims wear western attire. Really not that intelligent a question.
  19. Where did you study the Holocaust? All I remember is some WWII battles and maybe a picture or two of Auschwitz. You apply that same logic to slavery? Knife fights don’t win gun fights, and I don’t know if the Jews even got to keep their knives. Are you an immigration attorney? If you are, state your case. If not, I’ll just get my legal schooling from FOX, like ya’ll do.
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