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UT alum

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Everything posted by UT alum

  1. George Washington forced the vaccine on the military. It was nowhere near 100% safe, but better than the alternative. Absolutely no comparison between George Washington and Donald Trump. Not even an nice try.
  2. No, if you support the wall you are an isolationist. If you shut want to shut travel down from China when the infections are coming from Europe, you are using xenophobia to gin up fear. If you disagree with homosexuality, you’re just behind the times. You paint with a mighty broad brush, sir.
  3. No, he forced it on the military. How dare you compare George Washington to Donald Trump.
  4. Not at all. Why should tactless insults from someone I don’t know from Adam bother me? And you people call liberals snowflakes. Righties are the biggest crybabies I know of.
  5. You need to chill, dude. That statement is the load of crap. I’m a lefty and I don’t judge like that, and I’m not unique. It’s just so easy to assume people who don’t agree with you hate you. Then you’re free to hate back all you want.
  6. That’s pretty simplified. Of course we should question the leaders of our governments. The statement I replied to expressed amazement that so many trust the government,not it’s leaders. Big difference there.
  7. He is. With the exception of the Chinese and possibly the Japanese, the other races are prejudiced, of course, but don’t see themselves as superior. Only the European, extended to us, see the white race as superior. That is the definition of racism.
  8. I think one party would filibuster any attempt to enact any law requiring Congressional vaccination. Plus, if the government doesn’t abide, that’s what the Constitution and free elections are for. We aren’t expected to follow suit. We’re expected to inform ourselves and make our opinions heard at the polls, or in the market, for that matter.
  9. We don’t. We simply acknowledge its existence and try to talk about it. There are extremists, but that isn’t representative of mainstream liberal thinking. The right doesn’t even want to acknowledge it, much less talk about it.
  10. Nope. Smallpox. TB, Polio. George Washington ordered inoculation against Smallpox for a the entire Continental Army. I believe one in ten infected, one in 500 dead and an overwhelmed healthcare system qualifies as a national crisis. Congress should be ashamed for not mandating it or regular testing for all members. I’m not saying everyone should be forced, but guidelines should be pretty darned strict.
  11. Point taken. That doesn’t mean your statement wasn’t paranoid.
  12. What the frick did anything I said have to do with race? The Reich, er, I mean the Right seems a lot more paranoid about race than the Left.
  13. Amerikan = Fascist. That intelligible enough? And, let me cover it before you come back with an unintelligible insult. I am anti-Fascist. Antifa. Get it? I like freedom. I also recognize that with it comes responsibility, i.e. respect for public health authority and responsibility in following science to protect not only me, but my fellow citizens. That includes you.
  14. So what, anarchy’s the answer? You have a different system you prefer? Belarus, perhaps? The Soviet long game, now Putin’s, is to destabilize western democracies. In the U.S., that means aggravating racial divisions, subverting democratic institutions and inciting the “proletariat” against the “bourgeoisie”. Enough Americans are now buying into these subversions that the Russians have a shot at achieving their goals. It has been proved time and again that voter fraud is statistically insignificant in the U. S. To claim otherwise is not only unpatriotic. It’s un-American. We have the safest voting system in the world.
  15. So, Arthur Schlesinger was a traitor, too? Tucker Carlson is a communist tool. He’s the traitor in my book.
  16. Laying out info that suggests validity to some of what the mis-named critical race theory tries to address.
  17. What is your point? The federal government instituted discriminatory housing policies with creation of both the FHA and GI bill. That is factual history.
  18. I agree, Smash. That’s why it is incumbent upon responsible citizens to check sources and read from different points of view before forming their own opinions. Don’t believe it just because so-and-so said it.
  19. So, just ignore the facts concerning the creation of the FHA and GI bill, which systematically discriminated against black citizens and veterans with their various red lining strategies? The deed covenants that forbid resales of homes in many developments to “ non Caucasian” individuals? The greatest contributor to middle class wealth accumulation in our history was denied the African American community until after the Don’t talk about it and it’ll go away? I don’t think so.
  20. Did you read the article? It says “rarely”. Anecdotal evidence is the antithesis is statistical data. Accept it at your own peril. Get vaccinated.
  21. Ya’ll haven’t been listening to your heroes scold those nasty corporations for talking ugly about their voter suppression efforts? Not surprised.
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