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UT alum

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Everything posted by UT alum

  1. We don’t. We simply acknowledge its existence and try to talk about it. There are extremists, but that isn’t representative of mainstream liberal thinking. The right doesn’t even want to acknowledge it, much less talk about it.
  2. Nope. Smallpox. TB, Polio. George Washington ordered inoculation against Smallpox for a the entire Continental Army. I believe one in ten infected, one in 500 dead and an overwhelmed healthcare system qualifies as a national crisis. Congress should be ashamed for not mandating it or regular testing for all members. I’m not saying everyone should be forced, but guidelines should be pretty darned strict.
  3. Point taken. That doesn’t mean your statement wasn’t paranoid.
  4. What the frick did anything I said have to do with race? The Reich, er, I mean the Right seems a lot more paranoid about race than the Left.
  5. Amerikan = Fascist. That intelligible enough? And, let me cover it before you come back with an unintelligible insult. I am anti-Fascist. Antifa. Get it? I like freedom. I also recognize that with it comes responsibility, i.e. respect for public health authority and responsibility in following science to protect not only me, but my fellow citizens. That includes you.
  6. So what, anarchy’s the answer? You have a different system you prefer? Belarus, perhaps? The Soviet long game, now Putin’s, is to destabilize western democracies. In the U.S., that means aggravating racial divisions, subverting democratic institutions and inciting the “proletariat” against the “bourgeoisie”. Enough Americans are now buying into these subversions that the Russians have a shot at achieving their goals. It has been proved time and again that voter fraud is statistically insignificant in the U. S. To claim otherwise is not only unpatriotic. It’s un-American. We have the safest voting system in the world.
  7. So, Arthur Schlesinger was a traitor, too? Tucker Carlson is a communist tool. He’s the traitor in my book.
  8. Laying out info that suggests validity to some of what the mis-named critical race theory tries to address.
  9. What is your point? The federal government instituted discriminatory housing policies with creation of both the FHA and GI bill. That is factual history.
  10. I agree, Smash. That’s why it is incumbent upon responsible citizens to check sources and read from different points of view before forming their own opinions. Don’t believe it just because so-and-so said it.
  11. So, just ignore the facts concerning the creation of the FHA and GI bill, which systematically discriminated against black citizens and veterans with their various red lining strategies? The deed covenants that forbid resales of homes in many developments to “ non Caucasian” individuals? The greatest contributor to middle class wealth accumulation in our history was denied the African American community until after the Don’t talk about it and it’ll go away? I don’t think so.
  12. Did you read the article? It says “rarely”. Anecdotal evidence is the antithesis is statistical data. Accept it at your own peril. Get vaccinated.
  13. Ya’ll haven’t been listening to your heroes scold those nasty corporations for talking ugly about their voter suppression efforts? Not surprised.
  14. Corporations are undermining Conservative values. How dare they! What areLittle Marco and Lyin’ Ted to do? I know! Show those corporate dirtbags a thing or two. Raise that minimum wage to $15.00 for 1000 employees and over. Yeah, and bump their tax rate up to 30 or 40%. Oh yeah, turn those labor unions loose on them. That’ll teach ‘em a lesson! Nah, they’ll just try to limit their speech, don’t let them have opinions. They’re not people. Oops, Supreme Court declared they are in Citizens United case! The more they twist, the crazier they get. I wouldn’t challenge a one of them to a game of Twister. How can you beat someone who’s willing to turn themselves inside out to keep Donald Trump off their tuckus? Absolute lunacy. The corner they’re painting in keeps getting smaller and smaller. What ya’ll gonna do without Rush? Looking like the Scare Crow in Wizard of Oz more and every day. Peace.
  15. What are you going to do when your beloved Supreme Court does not strike down Roe v Wade? They may allow some restrictions, but I’ll bet a hundred dollars it won’t be overturned. Who you gonna hate on then?
  16. First time I’ve been here in a while. Very sorry to learn of his passing. He was a worthy opponent, and will be missed. My condolences to his family and friends.
  17. Uh....how about restore dignity and competence to the Executive Branch. How about pledging to fight the onerous voter suppression laws that Repubes seem to think are only needed in the states they lost, excepting Texas, of course, run by an entirely different set of thieves? How about a vigorous COVID response? How about a relief plan that I am sure will put thousands in the pockets of most folks posting here? Anyone sending theirs back? How about turning back environmental orders issued by the most environmentally hostile Administration in history? How about appointing an attorney general that will not spend all his time wiping his President’s butt, but aggressively prosecute the insurrectionists who invaded our Capital on January 6? How about responding at the border with compassion, not cruelty? I’ll leave it there for now. Perhaps the lack of liberal response is an indication that your tired, worn out retread Trump lies are losing steam.
  18. What do the non-vet homeless deserve?
  19. No you don’t. You were told everything you just listed. None of it is true. Ignorance is bliss. Why shouldn’t you sleep well at night?
  20. It’s national ethos I’m talking about. The present is always the culmination of all moments leading to it. I have friends who, at ten, twelve years old would say “I hate n*****s”. They were taught that by their parents and so on back for centuries. That sort of indoctrination does not disappear in a generation or two. It doesn’t disappear without societal intention, and sadly that intention is not prevalent in this country. You can argue the validity of the argument, but you can’t argue the history with any integrity.
  21. DOJ and FBI are on the trail of treason. The trail Trump blazed sending his followers to do his dirty work. Did you really think he was going to walk down to the Capitol with them? P.T. Barnum was a rookie compared to trump.
  22. Where’d you hear that? The same place that “many people have said”? Or maybe, “many people have heard”? Or maybe the place where “many people have heard that many people have said”? Just tryin’ too keep my facts straight.
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