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UT alum

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Everything posted by UT alum

  1. It’s being done according to the Constitution, sir. A Senate trial and a trial under the criminal justice system are two distinctly different things. Your conflation of the two is disingenuous.
  2. Look pal, I have had conversations with white educators in the Silsbee ISD, now gone but leaders nonetheless who laughed at the way they used to send the worn out athletic gear and outdated books to Waldo when “whitey” was through using them up. This was AFTER separate but equal was established.You can run from it ever how you want to, but you can’t hide from the truth. The history of slavery in this country is the prime mover in why race relations are still so retarded today. Until we answer for the sins of our fathers the curse will remain.
  3. You really need to familiarize yourself with Occam’s Razor. The straightest line is almost always the correct one.
  4. Oh, I guess three or so centuries being denied the right to own property, much less even to contract to rent it, has nothing to do with a society’s stereotyping. Being denied the right to learn to read for three or so centuries has nothing to do with today’s educational gaps. I could go on. We ignore the past at our peril. People of all stripes tend to do better when presented with opportunities for rather than obstacles to progress.
  5. No. The request show initiate with the voter. Why they request is not the state’s business.
  6. No, it’s not. You track it just like an absentee ballot. The overwhelming majority of Americans do not want to chance jail by casting fraudulent votes. I didn’t lose faith in the integrity of the vote after Bush/Gore.
  7. Disagree. Been working pills for 40 years. The system is good, not perfect, but best in the world.
  8. Lemme tell you something about me. When Al Gore lost, I didn’t give a gol darn about Florida because Al lost his home state. Win Tennessee, Florida doesn’t matter. Shame on him. Elections are safe in this country. Losers aren’t always happy, but classy ones accept it and move on. Kerry and Clinton both conceded within 24 hours of the polls closing. Trump has the opposite of class, whatever that is. Georgia was recounted twice, one of them an audit. There is no excuse for this election not to have been conceded other than naked political ambition at the cost of Constitutional values. Want me to slither back under my rock now?
  9. Two faced dork is not vulgar. It’s perjorative. Ugly and rude is okay on here, just don’t cuss?
  10. Objection and denial are two different terms. They can’t hide behind an “audit” as their next step to cancelling the vote.
  11. Objection and denial are way different terms.
  12. Let me guess. There seems to be only one in your world.
  13. No one has pulled that kind of stuff since 1876, and it didn’t work then, either.
  14. Potato, puhtato. Disrupting a process ratifying the votes of the fifty states who had certified their results was his goal. Audits could be achieved legislatively. A look-back, so to speak. Jan. 6 was not the day. Ted Cruz is a pathetic trump wannabe.
  15. Shredded it with his call to overturn the popular vote. I know his chicken manure call was for an “audit”, not literally to overturn, but that’s what chickenmanures do.
  16. What Ted Cruz did to the Constitution on January 6 is analogous to what atheists do to the Bible. The man is an abomination and an embarrassment to the State of Texas.
  17. You do have limits on speech here. That is not a criticism. You can deny me a platform here if I don’t couch my comments in terms acceptable to your rules. Is “no shirt, no shoes , no service” denial of my right to self expression? Conservatives have no problem with denying wedding cakes to couples who don’t fit their definition of normal. I don’t either. Business reserve the right to refuse service.
  18. Not policies as much as welcoming back basic competence to the White House.
  19. When, other than Bush/Gore which was an entirely different circumstance, have Democrats tried to block electoral certification? When?
  20. What???? There has never been a group this far right. The policies they passed have detrimental to our country. Not only policies, but rhetoric and destruction of political and societal norms. It’s gonna be hard for Biden to look bad with what he’s following.
  21. Be sure and wave that flag high while spewing your unpatriotic blather. I’m not sure who “we” is referring to, but if it’s the Republican Party of Trump, you’re lost in a fever dream.
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