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UT alum

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Everything posted by UT alum

  1. Hard to do with tunnel vision.
  2. Infection rate 20% in North Dakota. Don’t get redder’n that.
  3. And there ya go. Dehumanize the opposition. That’s on the top 5 list of the autocrat’s Handbook.
  4. Why can’t you see anything in other terms than abortion? A true one issue conservative.
  5. trump started out a few months ago saying we’re turning the corner on coronavirus. Then, when that didn’t happen we were “rounding the turn”. It’s not the turn into the home stretch he’s got us on. We rounding Deadman’s Curve on two wheels, and nobody’s driving! Vote Democrat!
  6. That must mean Christopher Wray has restored order to the FBI, since trump appointed him. Uh oh. He says white supremacists more threat than antifa. He says election fraud negligible. Dang it. You just can’t trust anyone but trump.
  7. Using other public sphere for a public purpose: election. Consistent doesn’t mean iron-assed.
  8. Indictments in Nixon administration: 71 iIndictments in trump administration: 215 or Indictments in Obama administration: 0.
  9. I think the voting stations allow display banners for any candidate running for office, and they follow the 100’ distance required by electioneering rules.
  10. Big nothing burger according to Barr Justice Department.
  11. I would have. Public money has no place in political races.
  12. No. The remedy for one is simpler than the other.
  13. You got to be bull corning. Trump just set the Taliban free, and you’re gonna listen to the sister of one of history’s more nefarious criminal masterminds? No wonder Putin’s licking his chops.
  14. I’ll bet his hospital bed wasn’t crammed in some hall in an emergency room.
  15. [Hidden Content] Those numbers don’t jibe with CDC. 2019: 34,500/35,000,000 Flu death to infection ratio. Latest COVID-19 numbers: 211,000/7,600,00. Do I need to do the math, too?
  16. I can. Certainty in the markets for one thing. Biden won’t call off a legislative deal as significant as the stimulus one day only to call for it the next day then double what everyone else was asking the next. Encouraging investment in new technology and making investments in infrastructure will do more for the middle class than a paltry tax cut. I think the markets are ready to see a functional Congress, and it appears one party control is the only way legislation will ever be passed. Conservatives peed away their opportunity by following Orange Man over the cliff.
  17. That’s way paranoid, man. No man, no political party, no thing can bring an end to the Lord. Times is changing, but it’s still His world.
  18. That’s productive discussion.
  19. What was the cause of death? Are you privy to the coroner’s report?
  20. You saying the knee on George Floyd was harmless? Did you watch the video?
  21. You’re reporting what they said “could be”. I’m talking from what they say “is”.
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