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UT alum

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Everything posted by UT alum

  1. That’s one of the most pathetic analogies I’ve ever seen.
  2. I came across a copy of that rag today. They don’t care about truth any more than trump does.
  3. Deficit spending juices any economy. Trump piled up deficits like nobody’s ever seen. Many people say he is the greatest deficit hound in history.
  4. That album by Freddie King I recommended, Burglar, has a song called “Sugar Sweet”. Freddie’s rhythm guitarist on that one - Eric Clapton. Both Freddie and Lightnin’ Hopkins had an influence on a bunch of the later blues guitar greats.
  5. Well, a playlist of his recordings would be incredibly brief. However, all of the guitarists of the later generations I’ve seen mentioned here stand on his shoulders.
  6. Reasonable assumption. I do like Buffalo Springfield, and CSN was okay, CSNY great. I like Stills’ blues-centric style and Young, of course, is in a league of his own considering his songwriting abilities on top of his play.
  7. He treats everyone who disagrees with him with disgust and disdain. He talks like a bully, then cries like a baby when it gets dealt back. What kind of a man does that?
  8. Most underrated album of ‘70’s imho.
  9. We were told for a good while before the election that would happen. Those states all had provisions that limited processing of mail in votes. In PA, for instance, they couldn’t even open the envelopes until Election Day. When 2/3 of the votes are early, it’s not surprising.
  10. Never too late if you got the want-to.
  11. The Republican Party has no platform. First time in modern history a party adopted no platform at a convention. Trump is the party.
  12. Hoffeinz Pavilion? You talkin’ some way-back machine stuff there. Saw Stephen Stills and Manassas, Emerson Lake and Palmer, Elton John, Humble Pie there. Way before Hector was a pup...
  13. I’m learning “Can’t Find My Way Home” on my guitar. Started playing in July ‘19, took lessons 8 mos., love it. Really turned out to be a fortuitous happening: Been a great distraction during COVID times.
  14. You’re seriously going to put forth OAN reporting as factual and true?
  15. Burglar, or Hideaway - The Best of Freddie King (1993)
  16. Maybe substitute Grateful Dead for Stones. Close.
  17. Here’s mine: The Beatles Hot Tuna Lightnin’ Hopkins Freddie King Stevie Ray Vaughn & Double Trouble Bob Dylan Johnny Winter Pink Floyd Allman Brothers, before and after Duane Rolling Stones
  18. That, my friends, is a display of wisdom. What a breath of fresh air!
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