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UT alum

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Everything posted by UT alum

  1. Germany Germany Germany. You sayin’ they can do it but America can’t?
  2. I would north what our parents and grandparents thought about the government telling them how much sugar, gas, rubber, nylons, etc. they could buy back in WWII? Or was there maybe a shared sense on community in beating a common enemy? Stop stirring paranoia and start considering the task we must undertake as a nation to beat an invisible and totally indiscriminate enemy. You’re doing patriotism a disservice.
  3. Then why is FBI investigating? That’s per KHOU in Houston.
  4. [Hidden Content] Who are the cheaters,again? It’s hard to get away with. That’s why voter fraud is so negligible. Don’t listen to trump’s lies.
  5. No, you just hijack Democratic caravans and intimidate voters, the latter being a federal offense.
  6. I watch from a distance and draw my own conclusions on collusion. None of that matters anyway. trump will pay for his abject ineptitude on Tuesday.
  7. Tucker Carlson is a shill for right wing conspiracy purveyors. I don’t trust anything he says or does. Just like that house painter Hannity.
  8. Are you capable of critical thinking? California, New York, New Jersey are major international points of entry. They got hit first and hardest. New York and New Jersey tested, traced, quarantined and got it under control. They actually showed how to control. Now, the Republican led states, where little regard was initially given to science are where it’s out of control. Regurgitation of FOX news drivel is not thinking for yourself.
  9. What rock did this guy climb out from under? Where’s he been? It’s as much bs as all the attacks against Fearless Leader, if we are to take the same defensive posture. FOX = FAKE NEWS.
  10. It’s still a hallmark of dictatorships. Is that how your mama taught you? Call people you don’t like ugly names?
  11. Hard to do with tunnel vision.
  12. Infection rate 20% in North Dakota. Don’t get redder’n that.
  13. And there ya go. Dehumanize the opposition. That’s on the top 5 list of the autocrat’s Handbook.
  14. Why can’t you see anything in other terms than abortion? A true one issue conservative.
  15. trump started out a few months ago saying we’re turning the corner on coronavirus. Then, when that didn’t happen we were “rounding the turn”. It’s not the turn into the home stretch he’s got us on. We rounding Deadman’s Curve on two wheels, and nobody’s driving! Vote Democrat!
  16. That must mean Christopher Wray has restored order to the FBI, since trump appointed him. Uh oh. He says white supremacists more threat than antifa. He says election fraud negligible. Dang it. You just can’t trust anyone but trump.
  17. Using other public sphere for a public purpose: election. Consistent doesn’t mean iron-assed.
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