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UT alum

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Everything posted by UT alum

  1. Brainwashed. The Barker rules!
  2. The Master Carnival Barker and his posse of trained dogs and ponies got ya’ll all in a tizzy about his taxes. Who gives a rat’s patootie about that? Everyone should maximize the tax code to their advantage. Big deal. As a result, no one’s asking the bigger question: Who in the hell is holding almost a half a billion in personally guaranteed notes due over the next four years? The incompetent idiot burned through $400,000,000 he chiseled his fellow heirs out of from his daddy. He’s burned through another $400,000,000 or so he got from palling up with Mark Burnett. Now, he’s apparently burned through another $400,000,000 borrowed from unnamed sources probably not American, since he’s burned through the capital markets here with the zeal of an arsonist. Wouldn’t you like to know for sure that Putin’s not his co-signer this time around?
  3. And the meter keeps running. Will top 20O,000 Americans dead this weekend. To top that off, that sorry SOB said airborne transmission was good so he wouldn’t have to “shake those disgusting people’s hands”. Sounds like he really thinks his peeps are deplorables. I’m assuming that since no one has given a plausible defense of his total mishandling of this crisis that you’re all good with it. Mighty sad.
  4. Just wanted to see how many heads I could explode.
  5. Population and frequency are generally linked. Think auto accidents. Think virus spreads. Also, the Pacific Northwest (Oregon, Washington)contains part of the world’s largest temperate rain forest. Climate is changing that, so we’ll see what the future holds.
  6. Hagar, do you even know what an anarchist is? It’s someone who rebels against ANY authority, established order, or ruling power. They ain’t Democrats. By definition. Quit lumping them in with a political party.
  7. Infrastructure spending will utilize private industry. Converting US fleet to electric will utilize private industry and spur competition for manufacturing not only of the vehicles, but the charging stations. All using American labor. Public/private collaborations can accomplish astonishing things. Payroll taxes on incomes over $400,000 will significantly stabilize Social Security. You asked me to pitch Biden. I didn’t expect you to buy any of it.
  8. Uh, population density, maybe? Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Nevada have combined 16.5 million people. California has 39.8 million. Need a link? Wait a minute - restrictions on private landowners? Your free market expounding self is gonna use that one? Oh, the depths to which you will descend to try and cast blame on a hated foe. The state has direct jurisdiction over only 3% of 33,000,000 aces of forest.
  9. Man, I been out of Jr. High for over 50 years.
  10. Iran - The sanctions were working. Now, Putin’s in a stronger position in the region because of trump abdicating our position of strength by quitting the treaty. Israel - Two state solution. Guns - Universal background checks, limit magazine capacities Taxes - Push the tax rate for Corporations to 28% ( halfway back to where they were before trump’s tax cut). Raise rates and reduce deductions on top 1% of earners. 10% tax credit to corporations that invest to create manufacturing jobs in US instead of outsourcing overseas. Payroll tax instated on incomes over $400,000. I don’t have a problem with my granddaughter being in the same bathroom as a transgender person. If they’re in the women’s restroom, it’s not to pick up or abuse women. It’s for the same reason you go into a public restroom.
  11. [Hidden Content] There’s your link. National Forest (buck stops with trump) controls, and is responsible for maintaining 57% of California forests. Private interests (the market) owns, and is responsible for maintaining 40% of California forests. The State of California (buck stops with Newsom) owns a whopping 3% of California forests. Want to rethink your question?
  12. Where did you see anything about party affiliation? You’re just prejudicially and propagandically claiming they’re democrats because they’re black. You don’t even know if they’re registered to vote. And look, Hagar, you can paint me as oblivious to what’s happening, but if they keep records on here back far enough, I predicted a Biden/Harris ticket in May or June of 2019 on this very forum. And as far as The Examiner is concerned, say, simply, Fake News!
  13. That’s trump, man lighten up. Does he not say when he gets hit he hits back ten times harder? He hit back this time and thinks he hit a hole-in-one, and the ball’s still on the tee!
  14. There you go again. Deflect and conflate - right out of “Fearless Leader’s” playbook. I saw the people encouraging the officers’ death. I did not see anything suggesting party affiliation, or even suggesting they were registered to vote. Biden did forcefully condemn the acts. Trump spoke words of encouragement to the vigilante who killed two protesters in Kenosha. What does this have to do with anything concerning trump’s utter failure to lead the country in a time of extreme crisis? He was told on 28 January that this would be the greatest national security threat of his presidency. He knew, admitting with his own mouth, that it was a deadly airborne contagion. Had he simply explained the situation honestly with the nation and requested we wear masks and socially distance, avoid crowds, he would be on his way to a second term. That he would whiff at such a moment underscores his total incompetence to lead. The virus punched him hard, and instead of hitting back a ten times harder, he hid from the truth, ran from the challenge, and is now disputing his own words as he barrels towards oblivion. Ride that Trump Train right on down the line. Don’t come crying after it derails and demolishes the Republican Party.
  15. Got that put in proper context for us yet? Been a week.
  16. No, you cherry picked the 10% of protests involving violence and made it doing like something way outside a statistical norm. I can do tit-for-tat if you want to play that.
  17. It has everything to do with it. It’s just another brick in the wall of systemic racism.
  18. Check out those categories you note there, baddog. White people do way yonder more of those crimes you list. FBI keeps good stats on that.
  19. Would you really have panicked had he taken the lead, as in “lead-er”, and asked us all to wear masks and social distance? Leaders instill confidence, not panic, that the people they lead have what it takes to accomplish any task. After the China closure, I didn’t think he was being xenophobic. He was being politically expedient. He left Europe open long enough for more than plenty to come in from that way. He used China to make himself look “tough”. You know at your core that the panic excuse is pitifully lame. We are not a nation of cowards.
  20. I assume you agree with the statement in the introduction that blacks are shot by police at a rate 2.5x that of white counterparts, and that at the time of the report there were over 180,00 Covid-19 deaths. And, reading further it also states the protests are “overwhelmingly peaceful”. Also, it’s implication of a”violent government response” and a “militarized federal reaction” helping to stoke violence. In conclusion, it says that increasingly, the protests are being “met with violence by state actors, non-state actors, and counter protestors”. What point were you trying to make, exactly?
  21. Can you not look beyond the percentage of crimes committed to the disparity in sentencing? The thirteenth amendment abolished involuntary labor “except for punishment of crime whereas the party shall have been duly convicted”. After the civil war, this was used primarily in the south to convict black people and conscript them to service as criminals. Hence the proliferation of the “chain gang”. This societal view of African Americans as a whole being a criminal people is self fulfilling prophecy created by generations of unequal justice. I know you’ll hold me to a factual standard that does not exist for your cohorts in here, so believe me, I’m gathering the data to back my assertion.
  22. Point is, he stokes fear when he sees it to his advantage. It was illegal aliens in ‘16, it’s leftists and thugs in ‘20. Why do you not understand that he swung and missed on his biggest opportunity to lead. You think I would have refused a mask because he asked? No. Would you have refused if he asked? Would you have trusted the doctors if he asked you to? I would have. Had he done that, we would have had results comparable to Germany. The V shaped recovery he predicted would have occurred and he would be on his way to a landslide re-election. He failed in his duty to all Americans. And still, no defense.
  23. I got opinions like the rest of you, along with that anatomical part we all have. I get my info from various sources and draw my own conclusions. The truth will out eventually.
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