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UT alum

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Everything posted by UT alum

  1. I think levees are Corps of Engineer responsibility, not the Mayor of New Orleans. Corps of Engineers is federal, President is Commander in Chief. At least Bush took his criticism in stride and didn’t blame everyone else in sight. Trump cannot stand the heat in the kitchen. You know the rest of that saying.
  2. Why? You don’t require Baddog to document his incredulous statement that 94% of reported Covid deaths are not No, effective leadership kept it from becoming such a debacle as this.
  3. Eligible and fit are two entirely different things.
  4. I’m not stoking fear, Card, and you know it. I’m not afraid. I’ve followed the science and CDC since the start, and would have done same had trump called on all citizens to do so. He can’t lead.
  5. Probably 160,000 or so would not have died from the virus.
  6. The deed was good. The motive is what I’m talking about. If trump knew the virus spread through the air, why did he hold the rally in Tulsa, removing the social distance signs and discouraging masks? Because he doesn’t care about anyone but himself. Was he on the floor shaking hands? No one got close to him without protection. Again, I’m waiting for a defense. Over 1000 views here, no defense yet offered.
  7. Wear masks, limit crowds, testing, quarantine, and contact tracing. Kind of like Germany did.
  8. So is Putin, Real. There is no defense in your world. Only excuses.
  9. He wasn’t a leader then. It was good PR. He does nothing that will not benefit him personally.
  10. Trump talked to Xi Jinping in the days before his lies. They knew. Pandemics are no one’s fault. The response to them is directly related to the quality of leadership on the national level.
  11. Our deficit is approaching socialist levels under this failed president.
  12. It was xenophobic. The horse was already out of the barn, and trump did the only thing he knows how to do - stoke fear that others are responsible for bringing this to our shores and make himself look heroic by shutting borders.
  13. If you look at the countries with the worst statistics, you’ll find leaders who are attempting authoritarian rule, like trump. Bolsonaro in Brazil. Modi in India. Leadership matters. The top three countries in infections and deaths.
  14. I’m sorry, Card, but you got your history wrong. I’m reading a book right now, “The Splendid and the Vile” by Eric Larsen. It is about the London Blitz and Churchill’s command of it. Chamberlain is the one who downplayed the threat. His lack of leadership failed miserably. Churchill started sounding the alarm as soon as he became Prime Minister. Look into what he was saying well before The bombing started. He did not lie to his people.
  15. Hell, I’m not fit to be President. Weren’t no attack.
  16. 190000 dead behind his lies. Still no defense.
  17. The job is the test. Trump’s failed.
  18. You ain’t fit to be President, either.
  19. Nobody died. Trump lies, people die, and he doesn’t care so long as he wins.
  20. When I created this post, I stated I was looking forward to the defense of trump’s big lie. Crickets on that one. All any of you have done is throw the whatabouts, or deflect the question by ranting about abortion. That proves a rhetorical axiom: You can’t defend the indefensible.
  21. Never said that. Said I’d be back. I just had to get away from the acrimony. It poisons, don’t you know?
  22. I told you all in here that Donald Trump is unfit to serve as President. Please listen to Bob Woodward’s interview, recorded with trump’s knowledge, and try to defend his reprehensible course of action towards the virus given what he knew. He lied to all of us. If he’d have been straight with us we could have made it through this as Americans, together, and saved tens of thousands of lives and tens of millions of jobs. I look forward to your responses.
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