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UT alum

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Everything posted by UT alum

  1. You think affirmative action had no effect on those positive changes you’re talking about?
  2. Democrats do not hope to profit off of suffering. That is a bald face lie by the Breitbart cabal to preserve trump’s persona as a victim, and continue fueling the country’s division and mistrust of one another. Trump and his administration’s ineptitude is what will lead to their downfall. His narcissism prevents him from even recognizing problems with his leadership style or of those he has ordained as worthy in the appointment process.
  3. Not all countries, but not just this one, either. I’ll get back on the stats. However, I think a look at the top brass of any Fortune 500 company will pretty well confirm my claim concerning promotion.
  4. No, I didn’t like his wisecracking ass talking like that. The same way I don’t like trump insulting the judiciary. Who, exactly, are you referring to as a hypocrite in this scenario?
  5. I kind of enjoyed it. No apology necessary.
  6. If the white student graduates from a second university they will still have a statistical advantage for starting wage, and promotion. The dominant race in any culture will have advantages others don’t. Racism knows no nationality.
  7. Sick people can get well. There’s no cure for diminished mental capacity.
  8. Whatchou’ talkin’ about, Nash? Using a whatabout and making a comparison are, albeit nuanced, different. Whatabouts are deflections used to avoid answering for the subject’s actions. Comparisons are just as the name implies. I’m not deflecting from the actions of the alien criminal. I’m just applying the same logic to two separate incidents. I recognize that nuance doesn’t carry much weight in the scorched earth realm of zero sum politics, but that does not negate the fact that it is needed to make complex decisions.
  9. White supremacist kills person 3 months after prison release. Lock up all white supremacists?
  10. When anecdotes replace statistics, it’s like superstition replacing science. Nothing good will come from it.
  11. So, everyone else but you and trump are liars?
  12. Do the math, please. The numbers you give indicate a mortality rate of 0.001. If the flu here this year had the 1.00 % mortality of Coronavirus, that would make 250,000 dead instead of 20,000. I think the media would be all over that. That’s why the alarm. A disease with a death rate 100 times greater than the norm needs to be focused on and dealt with quickly.
  13. Then call trump out when he does it... snowflake.
  14. I been outta jr. high over 50 years, boys. Your little schoolboy name calling is only amusing, in a sad way. I’m not crying over the last weeks’s market. I was answering Nash on who lost big in the drop. Trumps economy is propped up by trillion dollar deficit spending. Wake up.
  15. You people are constantly trying to troll me out of here, so I don’t get you get off calling me a troll.
  16. No, I mean you say you don’t like smearing ads, but you support a man as President who is king of smears. Oh, the sad irony.
  17. H1N1 virus mortality rate was reported at 0.02%. Coronavirus mortality rate currently estimated at 1.00 percent. That’s a fifty-fold greater chance of dying. You use these right wing shill media outlets to push stories without any context. Obama - Bad, Trump - Good. I would venture to say responses are measured in terms of severity, not frequency, so comparing the two without considering mortality rates is horse hockey. Snowflakes.
  18. Dr Drew? Really? Didn’t he make his doing reality tv drug interventions? I don’t think infectious disease is in his purview. What’s the CDC got to say?
  19. The opposite end had nothing to lose, so what’s your point? I would guess that the percentage of my personal wealth that evaporated last week was greater than Bezos or Gates. Again, I fail to see your point.
  20. UT alum


    I majored in history and have done some reading of the Koran. By the way, what incorrect perception are you referring to?
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