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UT alum

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Everything posted by UT alum

  1. Keep them humanely with an effective system to reunite them when the legalities are settled.
  2. Murder is against the law, so it’s not murder. Your decision to call it that doesn’t change the fact. “What about Obama?” There you go again. “What about” is all you can argue.
  3. That may be true, but due process and procedures to reunite the family, or separate, depending on the underlying criminal charge exist for citizens. False equivalence, as usual, to try and draw a logical conclusion. That dog don’t hunt.
  4. I don’t condemn murder. Can you cite the statute criminalizing a woman’s right to choose?
  5. Did you read all of that Snopes post? Hardly an endorsement of Orange Hair’s policy. Can you point to examples of President Obama’s policies having no procedure, or making no attempt at reuniting the families? President Orangutan’s policy was, in effect, “screw ‘em”.
  6. Another what about- ism. Apples aren’t oranges.
  7. No less Godless than one who separates babies from parents and keeps them in cages. How long you wanna keep calling names?
  8. No. It was a stupid thing to say, but that matters not since all Democrats are demons. I’m lumped in with all. The prejudice is sickening. Do your political arguments ever go beyond “what about-isms”?
  9. That’s exactly the kind of crap that keeps me away. You don’t want honest discourse. How can you judge me Godless? How does your faith justify making a claim like that? The height of arrogance, the opposite of humility.
  10. I’ll tell you, but I need you to do a favor for me...
  11. Exactly, Reagan. Why do you think every Trump operative is attacking anyone who questions or contradicts his “perfect call” as a traitor, and any attempt to hold him accountable is a coup? That’s guilty talk, brother. The truth will be the revolution that overthrows him.
  12. Naw, Hagar, I just check in every few months. I could pounce every day if I wanted, but it’s just too tiring.
  13. No. That wasn’t the time or place for drawing a line.
  14. I would like to know. Did you support President Obama when he proposed the same thing? As I recall, he listened to his advisers and backtracked. I also recall republicans rebuking him severely for playing into Russia’s hands. The hypocrisy here is palpable. Your crook of a president is going down.
  15. Yeah, the bank deal would work, but what are you going to make on a 250,000 cd? 2.5 or 3.0 maybe? Treasury may guarantee all notes when presented for payment, but it doesn’t guarantee that an investment will hold its value.
  16. Would the $1,000,000 be backed by the full faith and credit of the US? FDIC only guarantees $250,000. Market drop won’t affect my social security payment. Investment house bankruptcy won’t affect my social security payment. I’ll take the guaranteed annuity.
  17. No regrets, Hagar. Collusion has no meaning in the legal code. It’s called conspiracy, and has a high bar that Meuller couldn’t find enough evidence to bring charges. That’s part of why Barr’s press conference was a sham. He said no collusion parroting his boss, five times without making the conspiracy distinction once. Trump isn’t cleared of obstruction, just not charged. The report DID NOT exonerate him of obstruction. Read the report. But then again only the parts that you want to believe will be true, the rest witch hunt. I’m a third of the way through, and everything I’ve read has pretty much been reported already. So much for fake news. I think some of this needs Congressional investigation, but I don’t see the point in impeachment if there is no conviction, which there won’t be with 66 Senate votes required (I think). Investigation may reveal more corruption, however. I still say let 2020 decide. How does the man with a world class memory forget or fail to recall events related to his campaign 37 times. Guy’s still a clown.
  18. There's a difference in being thin skinned and being constantly barraged with insults or character insinuations every time one voices an opinion. You are the most closed minded bunch I’ve interacted with, and you can find another liberal to be the foil for your incessant lies and distortions. I’ve been sleeping a lot better since I left from here. Always felt kind of slimy when I signed off.
  19. I’m not unknowing and I’m not a pawn. Judgements like that is why I’ve quit coming around as often. Go for it. God will settle all this out eventually. I think He has special dispensations for folks who try and do His job for Him. Adios. Vaya con Dios.
  20. They can’t hack voting booths. Had the Mueller investigation never happened I’d be badmouthing Trump. He’s not fit for the job.
  21. I didn’t say he was guilty. I’ve said wait for the report from the get go. The report is out. Doesn’t make him a better president. Just gives him ammo to keep up his attack on our free press and expression of disagreement with him and his policies. He’s still the lyingest president in history.
  22. Who said it wasn’t acceptable? It is what it is. Unlike the rest of you I trusted Mueller from the outset, and I trust his conclusions. Fact is, Russia meddled in our election process. The reaction I’ve seen here is “so what? Everyone does it. It’s happened before and no one said anything. We’ve done it, so why should we complain?” Is that how we teach our children? “ Oh, everyone does it, little Johnny, it’s okay”. I don’t think so. That Trump would make it all about himself is par for his course. To call out the Russian government would give some credence to the report, and Trump ain’t gonna do that. He’s going to use it to go after his enemies. Leadership at its finest.
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