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UT alum

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Everything posted by UT alum

  1. Uh oh. Dow down 400 on recession fears. Fed forecasts 2.1% growth this year, no interest rate increases needed to keep economy from overheating. Told you 3.1 wouldn’t hold.
  2. I saw Mike Pompeo on CBN actually say that he believes Trump was sent by God to protect Israel. Does anyone here believe he is so anointed? I've never seen such a ludicrous display of kissing up to a superior. Is deification next? Go to the bottom of the interview to see what that arrogant excuse for a leader said about salvation and the Lord Jesus. [Hidden Content]
  3. He didn’t have a lot to work with when he started.
  4. Looks like his ploy is working. [Hidden Content]
  5. What has Tony Robbins produced? People like to hear Bill talk and buy his books. His knowledge, experience, and ability to relate to people are his products, and he sells them quite well.
  6. Hard work. Clinton didn’t have a daddy to set him for life.
  7. I never suggested it didn’t exist. I said incidences are statistically insignificant as impacting outcomes. Even if it’s off by a factor of 10, it is still insignificant given the sheer number of votes cast in all elections. Overall the system is safe. I’ve worked it, am familiar with the rules, and know from my experience as an election official that in person voter fraud is not easy to pull off. I think I speak for many poll workers when I say we don’t volunteer for the job to put our butts on the line to go to jail. Disclaimer: the job does pay $8.00 an hour.
  8. The jacquerie comes to America? Or perhaps you’d rather Trump be a little more like MBS? That kind of rhetoric is why nothing gets done in this country anymore. It’s offensive and un-American.
  9. So, who is perpetrating the fraud? You think someone who loses an election and suspects fraud just slinks away? They pursue legal remedies. You can use that little formula to confirm or deny any crime. Common sense says a fraud epidemic you suggest would have empirical evidence to support it. All you can do is offer meaningless suppositions. The evidence suggests otherwise.
  10. Didn’t say that. What a past President did is no defense for what a sitting President does.
  11. Trump didn’t destroy ISIS. Jong Un is playing him. We should be leading the Paris Accord, not absent. I don’t hate him. I don’t like him. I don’t think he’s fit for the job. Business and government are two different types of entities, and just because a businessman can turn a profit doesn’t mean he can run an incredibly complex non-profit. Hell, if not for escalating real estate prices, Trump wouldn’t even show a profit in business. He’s a cheat. Trump University. Trump Foundation. (I’m waiting for it - your defense will be to deflect from him by “what about Clinton foundation”, but Clinton’s not President).
  12. No, I would not. I’ve been in insurance for 40+ years and while not an actuary, I understand the basics behind the law of large numbers and prediction of outcomes. One Russian vote would be statistically insignificant. I don’t think the Russians interfered in the actual voting process. They used social media to spread misinformation in order to cause confusion, suspicion, and instability. If Manafort or anyone else in Trump’s orbit shared polling info with them that enabled them to target more accurately, that’s collusion.
  13. You didn’t read the piece. Computers don’t have names and can’t be convicted.
  14. These are false comparisons. Back in the Olden days white people weren’t convicted for crimes against blacks period. Even not so olden. Through the sixties all white juries acquitted them. Blacks had virtually no protection under the law, particularly in the South. If voter fraud was as rampant as the vote restrictionists would have you believe there would be statistical correlation. Large numbers reveal patterns pretty clearly. The votes are not just national cycle votes. They include local city and school elections. A staggering number over 3 years for only 1137 infractions. And remember, we’re looking at Heritage Fund numbers, not some liberal think tank.
  15. If correlated with reduced accidents and fatalities, I’d say yes.
  16. Maybe not Trump himself, but something’s going on with people he surrounds himself with. Too many Russians too close. Trump plays to win and win only. Ends always justifies means.
  17. [Hidden Content] 1137 cases of election fraud going back over three years. Millions and millions of votes cast. Is that statistically significant? If you read the report and check the states, most infractions involve absentee ballot fraud and illegal registrations, not in person voter fraud. Heritage Foundation definitely not a liberal think tank.
  18. I disagree. Demand is the prime mover. Infrastructure and labor force quality rank above taxes. [Hidden Content]
  19. We differ in opinion. A trillion dollar tax cut with no budget offset is no different than a trillion dollar deficit infrastructure project. Both pump up the economy with more printed money. Aside from that, he’s done nothing but endanger the environment, populate the White House with inexperienced lackeys, and attack the institutions that have helped make this country great. History will rank him near if not at the bottom.
  20. I doubt it. Tax burden is pretty far down the list on deciding if a product will sell or not.
  21. Market or Trump? He’ll take credit regardless. Good for Detroit is all I can say.
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