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UT alum

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Everything posted by UT alum

  1. The biggest difference between President Abraham Lincoln and Trump: Lincoln supporters did not carry confederate flags. Now, you can call me a troll to your heart’s content.
  2. I enjoy debating politics, but a debate assumes two sides to an issue. In the history of our nation every president, save possibly George Washington, could have been better. In Trump’s mind, he governs perfectly, and everyone who posts here save a couple, defend every claim of perfection he makes. I’m wasting no more energy stating the opposing position only to be viewed as a “demoncrat”, a “libtard”, or a “dim”. I don’t need that crap in my life. I’ll check back in after Trump gets his ass resoundingly rejected in November. Wish I could say it’s been fun. Adios.
  3. Liquor stores because the risk of alcoholics flooding ER’s with the DT’s.
  4. Do you have absolutely no concept of scale? Highway miles driven in 2018: 3.2 trillion. 38000 deaths. 600,000 covid infections, 24000 deaths. You see the difference, surely.
  5. Without a baseline, and with all numbers being mistrusted as bad guesses, what do you suggest we do to mitigate?
  6. How do you know what testing would do? So far, about 10% of those tested in Texas have tested positive.
  7. That’s called change, Hagar. And if society has no common interests that all must contribute in some way for the good of the whole, it ceases to be a society and the law becomes anarchy. To compare the obligations of citizenship to being a slave is ludicrous in my opinion.
  8. No, I have an obligation as a property owning citizen to pay tax to support local public services. There may be a better way than ad valorem taxes to do it but then, you don’t want a state income tax either. How do you propose funding streets, water, sewer, and law enforcement?
  9. I know someone who has it. Since you first posted on April cases have more than doubled. The mortality rate is pushing 3%, which is over ten times worse than common flu. That’s using CDC numbers. 20 - 30 thousand deaths from the flu are already baked into the system we have. That’s normal. 10 times the mortality rate for this new strain would break the system. That’s why I think we gotta err in the side of caution.
  10. Slavery in the U S defined slaves as chattel property. Like cattle, or goats. Your comparison of that to having to get permission to drive or fish is juvenile at best, irresponsible at worst.
  11. I don’t cry. What are you even talking about? I also have a pair that I swing when I have to make a tough decision, not for some two bit thread.
  12. Criticism goes with the territory for a president. He scored his points with you guys for the China slam, then when it showed up here, it was as a “hoax” until it wasn’t. He squandered weeks before making any tough decisions that might affect him politically. He does not lead. He reacts. We needed pro action and he avoided it like the covid-19 until the truth could no longer be negated with his lies.
  13. You make something up to denigrate the Democrat, and him only. Partisan.
  14. A wise man was he. The last great Roman emperor.
  15. There it is. The Democrat was probably acting out of personal jealousy, not public interest. Can’t keep partisanship out of it, can you?
  16. You still don’t know the difference between whatabout and historical comparison.
  17. You’re cute. You know that?
  18. Whatever. With normal flu, survival is like 99.99. 2% vs. .1% is huge when talking large numbers.
  19. Damn, you’re ignoring mine. Besides, logistically, China would have a hard time invading us.
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