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UT alum

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Everything posted by UT alum

  1. He’s made himself look bad for years. I don’t rely on MSM to draw this conclusion. I’ve seen and heard him with his own mouth for years. He was no count before he was even dabbling in politics, and all I see is the same man now leading our country. I didn’t like him in the eighties, nineties, naughts, or now. He’s a petty blowhard who practices stream of consciousness oratory and knows only denial and insult when dealing with criticism. There was no MSM when Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution. You saying they went too far with the first amendment?
  2. Leaders he has either praised or believed over his own intelligence community: MBS, Bolsonaro, Dutarte, Putin, Un, Xi. Leaders he has either insulted, threatened, or ridiculed: Merkel, Macron, Trudeau, Moon Jae-in, May, Abe. Those lists speak for themselves. Oh, not to mention the police, military, and bikers who are with him if things get bad. Spoken like a true authoritarian leader.
  3. Response to “sig heil mein Fuhrer” remark posted by Hagar.
  4. He’s just riding the wave Obama started.
  5. Obama didn’t make it a law. Congress did. We’ve been having to contribute to a retirement plan since FDR was president. That legislation was passed by Congress as well. Congress refuses to fund Trump’s wall, even when his party controlled all three branches, he ignores it and declares a fake emergency, is admonished by Congress, and says screw you with a veto. Trumpland uber alles.
  6. What do you do with the ones already here?
  7. I do not blame Trump for the plant closing. It is a free market decision on GM’s part. My problem is that instead of acknowledging the market driven decision, he blames the very workers “only he” can help restore to dignity. It is a sick use of the bully pulpit. By the way, I notice no mention of any problem with Trump being your dictator.
  8. Is Trump just infallible in your world? I bet if we just had to have a dictator, he’d be the man. I saw a MAGA Trumper say just that. Who needs democracy when you got the only man who can fix things, right? Sick.
  9. Why does he attack the blue collar workers he vowed to defend? GM didn’t do what he said, so he blames the people he told not to sell their houses because he was bringing jobs to them.
  10. Trump, the self proclaimed savior of the working man blames the working man when the Lordstown,OH GM plant announces closing. How pathetic is that? GM is closing it because it isn’t selling the Cruze, which it made there, like it once did. I think that’s called the free market in action. Trump can’t claim a success, so he blames it on “Democrat UAW Local 1112 President David Green” per a Sunday tweet. Defend Trump again by attacking the Democrats, please. You can’t defend him by his actions.
  11. Here’s a summation of their law. [Hidden Content]14520-5/fulltext
  12. I don’t know the structure. You want it to be a death panel so bad. The article cited offers no insight as to how the system actually works.
  13. I guess Woody Hayes gets a pass too?
  14. What’s that got to do with healthcare? Assisted suicide and euthanasia are another issue altogether. I don’t agree with it, but I’m not Belgian. They still deliver healthcare at a better price with better overall health outcomes. Always obfuscating, conflating, and otherwise confusing issues.
  15. I don’t care about the Steele Dossier. I haven’t paid it much mind because it was obviously shoddily done. I care about an ex campaign manager doing time for lying. The net is tightening and it needs no salaciousness to help.
  16. What does well documented mean? If women come forth and start accusing him of sexual harassment, I don't think he'll get a pass. He'll have to answer. But, I don't recall any accusations of impropriety against him. What sort of source is Gawker? Comedy?
  17. What the hell is that? A conservative attempt at humor? A photo mash up with made up commentary? If it’s farce, it’s a sad attempt. Or maybe it’s just hard to tell because of the farce at the head of our government.
  18. Kizer Khan might offer a different point of view. Trump used Goldstar as a political tool. Like him, he likes you. Disagree, get out the way. That’s not empathy. It’s political expedience.
  19. So you’re going with Reverend Al, Jesse “Heimie-town” Jackson, and #1 A-kisser Hannity to vouch for Trump’s moral virtues? That’s a deep stretch, Stevenash.
  20. My judgement is based on how he acts for all to see. My perception has remained the same through the years, not just since he became President. He's a Manhattan real estate huckster and shameless self promoter. What I have not seen is any propensity to change that. He acts just like he always has. No excuses for how he acts unless called out on it, then it's always someone else's fault. No apologies, ever. You've always liked and respected him? Or only since he's become the chameleon conservative standard bearer?
  21. Again, I was addressing history and the difference between 2005 and 2007. What do you not understand about that?
  22. It was addressed. No charges. And yes, who is president is more important than who might have been president.
  23. Yes. Gross negligence is difficult to prove in any case. If they felt they couldn’t prove it (the lawyer said she felt it had been constitutionally researched - it’s in the article) the they wouldn’t charge it. Hillary is not President, guys. Let it go.
  24. I don’t have to do a da**ed thing. It’s in the record. He panders to racists. I guess they don’t mention that on Fox. They conveniently omit negative press aimed at their favorites. Not a credible news organization.
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