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UT alum

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Everything posted by UT alum

  1. My guess is they caved to some parent group that felt excluded. Not justifying, but some blame for problems in a school district is borne by the parents, not just the “liberal” public education system.
  2. Ad hominem attacks indicate a lack of knowledge and extreme insecurity on the part of the attacker. AMF.
  3. No, they don’t. It will be a test of leadership.
  4. The polling data paints a pretty convincing case. I don’t agree with all of the other premises. That said, I never assumed Trump was unelectable the first time around. I don’t drink Party kool aid. If Democrats ignore what this guy is saying, we do so at our own peril.
  5. Thank you, Law Man. It’s folks like you and the others you mention who keep me coming back. If we cease to respect each other’s opinions, we gonna have a hard row to hoe keeping our democracy on track.
  6. I don’t engage in physical violence or verbal abuse. I just know people who aren’t as reserved as me and would not take kindly to being called a schoolgirl or pathetic or childish or on the mental level of a kindergartner to their face. I’m guessing you don’t have the guts to be so sanctimoniously insulting in face to face situations. I’m glad to be a source of motivation for you. That’s a positive thing.
  7. You must be a big ’ol boy. I know people you talk to them like that face to face would kick your ass.
  8. I’m curious. Do you talk to everyone so crassly, or only when you are hiding behind a screen? I can’t imagine you hang out with many people in person who don’t think like you if this is how you treat people face to face. Sad.
  9. Both, but if window shoving was that pervasive, window safety would have to be improved in addition to vigorous prosecution of the shovers.
  10. No. I’d say window safety would need to be re-evaluated.
  11. If you don’t think Trump will declare th election rigged if he loses, then it’s you who are delusional. Trump is head of Republican Party, so if he cries foul the party cries foul. I said nothing about you specifically.
  12. Wait and see if he loses. He’ll blame everyone else, and from what I’ve seen you all will be right along with him.
  13. I cited the article mainly to demonstrate that construction spending is in fact dropping, related to an earlier post.
  14. He has a very successful practice spanning 35+ years and says this tax law was about as hastily done as Obamacare was. Probably didn’t even read it. The 1040 is postcard sized as promised, but the schedules which have to be attached have multiplied almost exponentially. Their software company has yet to get it all encoded it’s so screwed up.
  15. It may have been shocking, but it wasn’t close. If he had lost the popular vote and won on the strength of 70000 votes spread over 3 states, I shudder to think of the outcry.
  16. Why am I not surprised by that response. Just like Fearless Leader. If they don’t agree with you, get rid of them.
  17. I have commercial construction customers telling me this. They are not seeing projects coming as in past. Harvey is an outlier. A lot of insurance and FEMA money poured in here to enable that burst. Reuter’s just reported today’s market drop is a result of waning confidence fueled in part by a .6% drop in construction spending in December. Still strongly disagree?
  18. You have to understand, from my point of view Clinton ran a crap campaign. Arrogant overconfidence proved her undoing. Same with Al Gore in 2000. Had he won his home state, hanging chads would have been irrelevant. Democrats spent too much time crying over that one instead of getting on with business. Will Republicans cry like Democrats if Trump is defeated in 2020? My guess is yes.
  19. You didn’t read my answer. This election is as legitimate as any, unless Mueller’s report has evidence of collusion. Maybe not Trump, but his campaign operatives. To ignore the fact that Russians are getting closer to having undue influence on our politics is to do so at our own peril. As an aside, ad hominem attacks on critics is oftentimes a sign of a weak defense, if not outright guilt.
  20. I figure they’ve been trying since the Cold War began. The hyper-use of social media in the 2016 election gave them an ease of access to the process they hadn’t known before. Facebook use has more than doubled since 2012 and Twitter almost fivefold.
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