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UT alum

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Everything posted by UT alum

  1. Well, I’d say 25,000+ gun deaths per year as opposed to virtually zero in person voter fraud charges among millions and millions of votes cast is a pretty good reason.
  2. I think the education issue is settled. Literacy is not a prerequisite to vote. People convicted of certain crimes (felonies) are prohibited from voting. I have personally assisted people with Downs Syndrome to vote. I don’t really get your point.
  3. I have commercial construction customers telling me this. They are not seeing projects coming as in past. Harvey is an outlier. A lot of insurance and FEMA money poured in here to enable that burst.
  4. You must not have been carrying your registration card.
  5. I didn’t say anything about decline. I was talking profitability. Though I will say construction activity outside petrochemical has slowed considerably in our region.
  6. Yeah, that’s how you Trumpers look at war heroes. Hack, not patriot.
  7. I don’t think that would pass Constitutional muster, though states are given broad rights in establishing voter eligibility.
  8. Every one of the major players cited are or were Republican appointees. Mueller’s patriotism is beyond reproach. It’s not so much whether the facts are true. They rationalize your conclusions, not prove them.
  9. That is a gross misrepresentation. I don’t know if he collided or not. I do believe the Russians interfered, not so much to elect Trump as to destabilize our democracy.
  10. My business is an S Corp. I didn’t get any benefit. C corps, the majority of large corporate structures got the big cut. Trump didn’t do jack for small business.
  11. I’ve worked the polls for over 40 years. I have assisted many voters who were brought to the polls by someone else because they couldn’t drive, or even enter the polling place. I didn’t say incapable. I said undue hardship. I’ve seen these voters personally. Anyone here read the Secretary of State’s election handbook covering proper election procedures? I have. Several times.
  12. You have to prove who you are when you register. You keep confusing registration and voting. Laws exist for ID to be presented when registering. I notice no one has commented about the story that launched this thread. The Republican Secretary of State had to apologize to the Republican legislature for providing faulty data. I’ll bet not one of you read the judge’s order.
  13. States rights. You’re telling me you want the federal government to mandate voter ID for all Americans? Would you please show me where that is in your interpretation of the Constitution?
  14. An undue burden huh? So is it an undue burden for someone to show ID to receive welfare, money for which they depend on to live? Is it an undue burden to show ID to actually buy food, which is necessary to live on. How heartless is a government that will not give their needy citizens money to buy food without placing an undue burden on them? And secondly, how sanctimonious does one have to be to think that people are incapable of obtaining an ID? Laws in 35 other states agree with my position.
  15. Yup. Clinton Derangement Syndrome.
  16. That’s a bit much to digest that quickly. Looks a bit too conspiratorial from here.
  17. By making people with a valid voter registration card show a photo id before the registration is considered legal. People who don’t drive, or don’t bank, or don’t otherwise need a photo id have an undue burden placed in the way of their right to vote.
  18. Dam. Where’s James Bond when you need him?
  19. You seem to be trumpeting Trump for the GDP increase. Whether the president had direct bearings on my profits or not, I do not know. I’m just stating the truth about my business relative to who was in the Oval Office. Presidents don’t deserve as much credit or blame as they get for the state of the economy, but they take the heat or praise because of their position.
  20. That article is totally misleading. Fake news! Did you even read the four page ruling? It applies only to the people named on the list of 95,000 voters originally issued by the Secretary of State. That list was so flawed that the Secretary of State apologized to the state legislature for providing such bad information. No one appearing on that list may be asked about citizenship. The ruling specifically said that voter registrars could continue investigating the veracity of the list. Read the ruling, pay attention to the story, not some conservative review’s take on the story.
  21. You have to have ID to get a voter registration card. Don’t confuse the voter registrar with the poll worker. The registrar (Tax Assessor/Collector) is responsible for verifying citizenship and identification. Requiring photo ID from someone who has a valid registration card is what this Democrat opposes. Virtually all voter fraud takes place not on Election Day, but in the absentee vote process. Polling place fraud is the straw dog Republicans use in attempts to make voting more difficult, not more honest.
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