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UT alum

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Everything posted by UT alum

  1. That didn’t sound exactly right. In no way would I disparage or trivialize the sacrifice of our soldiers. What I meant was a war based on phony premises. The sacrifice of life and treasure was very real, the reasoning and result was a pathetic exercise by armchair generals. By that, I mean none of the civilian decision makers that I’m aware other than Powell had any military experience, unless you count W’s stint in the reserves. And Powell, well, you know how he felt about how Cheney hung him out at the UN.
  2. To tell the truth, my business has been more profitable through the years when a Democrat has been in the White House. I guess the reason I’m confusing is that I’m a realist, not an ideologue.
  3. It’s called polarization, and that’s how the media makes money off all of us. For the third time, peace and harmony don’t make for good ratings. Life is not a zero sum game, but we are allowing it to become one. Who said I was a socialist? I’m a small business capitalist. Competition is a wonderful thing. See? I’ll bet we both agree on that one.
  4. John Maynard Keynes was a capitalist.
  5. No, the growth you touted was partly from off the books money.
  6. Maybe I am pathetic, but I’m not a pedantic demagogue. All I’ve seen of your posts are insults and name calling. I haven’t seen any attempt at rational argument from you. Your skin must be pretty thin skinned, too if what I’ve said makes you feel bullied.
  7. Don’t let him run you off, Mat. He can’t offer rational arguments, so he resorts to demagoguery, like his Fearless Leader. Just a wannabe.
  8. Don’t want to talk about 2007 do you? I’d say 2005 offers confirmation of Keynesian economic theory. We had about $3 trillion off the books government money pumped into the economy through a phony war. Bush pumped it up, then what happened?
  9. No, I’m only offering a personal conclusion. History will judge its accuracy.
  10. TDS, CDS, what’s the difference? I have watched Donald Trump for over 30 years. He has always been a self aggrandizing buffoon. Many people said he would be different when he became president, bring a fresh new leadership style to the office. I told anyone who would hear that they were electing Trump, and Trump would always be Trump. He might as well be broadcasting with Howard Stern from the Oval Office. TDS stands for Trump Delusion Syndrome in my lexicon.
  11. I don't know. Why don't you ask the late Mr. Warmbier's family? Oh yeah, you don't have to. It's in the news already. The family holds Un responsible. Did you see the video of Mr. Warmbier begging forgiveness on Korean television standing beneath pictures of Un and his father? Trump knows no shame. He'll hurt anyone for his perceived political gain.
  12. Not all laws are constitutional. That’s why we have a Supreme Court. State laws prohibiting abortion were declared to be unconstitutional in the 7-2 Roe vs Wade decision.
  13. He wouldn’t have done it to a white man. Thr justice system vacated their sentences, and still he kept after it. I started to say he wouldn’t do it to a white man, but he’d do it to anyone to draw attention to himself, so that was a poor example of racism. It’s just Trump.
  14. Again, I’m not privy to the investigation. That’s where the charges will be listed.
  15. I don’t ave to back up anything. His own words speak for themselves. Oh, and how can I back up an argument when all my facts or sources are prejudged as lies or manipulation of data or fake news? If my premises are considered false on their face there is no arguing, only name calling.
  16. Here, then. As reported by Fox News. [Hidden Content]
  17. Not the prison reform bill. Central Park five Birtherism Fines in New York for racial discrimination of housing
  18. What is REALLY going on? Actually, I am enraged at his assault on constitutional democracy, and his heaping praise on thugs and murderers while insulting our allies. The man is a disgrace.
  19. I said net, not noose. And it’s gonna have a bunch of fish in it.
  20. I don’t recall strikes at Christmas. Also, strikes are started after a vote by the members. Not a shutdown by a man who didn’t like the deal he had already assented to. One man sent them home. Like what happens in dictatorships. But then again, his best buds seem to be mostly dictators. Jong Un, Putin, Duterte, Erdogan, King Salman and MBS. You asked for it.
  21. I used to. I read the Fox Wall Street Journal editorial pages for my opposition research now.
  22. Yeah, I got documentation. The Republican who won is even calling for a new election. Don’t need a link. It’s in the public domain. Look for yourself if you don’t believe.
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