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UT alum

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Everything posted by UT alum

  1. Not suggesting that at all. It’s the ratio I’m talking about.
  2. Ears to hear, sir, ears to hear what comes from his mouth.
  3. No, you missed mine. Stevenash listed six of what you apparently believe to be lies by President Obama in eight years, while trump lies at least that many times every time he opens his yap.
  4. Moscow Mitch will not preside. Justice Roberts will preside.
  5. Just like you’ll have no problem with Moscow Mitch writing the rules for the Senate trial to favor his Fearless Leader. What’s with you guys?
  6. Double standard’s ass! Trump pardons a SEAL who was convicted by his peers in military court for war crimes and Trump’s a hero it seems. Generalissimo.
  7. Watch out, you’re talking about Trump’s man. He stumped hard for him in Kentucky before he lost his governor’s race. Bevin can pardon whoever he wants, just like Trump says he can do WHATEVER he wants. That’s the kind of crap you get when power is unchecked.
  8. Defending his abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.
  9. Hearing not the same as trial. Prosecutors HEAR witnesses to determine if indictment is warranted. Trial gives the indicted opportunity to present defense against allegations. Not nearly as sinister process the accused always cries it is. At least those accused previously cooperated with the investigation. Didn’t Trump insinuate anyone who takes the fifth must be guilty? Or does that only apply to those who oppose him? Refusal to cooperate is akin to taking the fifth, no?
  10. I don’t give a rat’s ass who takes me seriously. You think that’s going to change my mind? He apologizes for terrorists and dictators, vilifies fellow leaders of Democratic countries -or let me get politically correct, leaders of other democratic republics.
  11. Saudi National opens fire killing three in US, possible links to terrorism suspected, Trump responds by apologizing on behalf of Saudi King. Shouldn’t president denounce terrorism and Saudi King apologize on his own behalf? Can’t wait to hear the spin.
  12. There goes “what about”, again. Notwithstanding, Justice determined allegations of FBI spying on Trump campaign are baseless.
  13. I think Bill Barr’s hand picked justice dept lawyer just shot that one down, BS. Even Trump’s guy couldn’t find evidence to back that conspiracy theory.
  14. Jobs always jump in November. Christmas season hires. Let’s see what January and February look like before you crow too loudly. No one mentions the part of the report citing stagnant wages. If working more for less is progress, chime on.
  15. Call an apple an orange. That’s how the right argues. Obfuscate and confuse. Putin wold be proud of you. You’re helping fulfill the Soviet mission.
  16. It’s about the right mix now, if the teeth get put back into EPA and Interior.
  17. Even if all that was true, if anyone was or is concerned, the proper channel for investigation is the Justice Department, not the president’s personal attorney and a the ambassador to the EU, whose jurisdiction does not include Ukraine. The president’s attorney worked to get that post vacated so Sondland could step into the void. If that ain’t corrupt, we might as well have no laws.
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