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UT alum

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Everything posted by UT alum

  1. There it is. Libtards. Didn’t your brain Rush coin that one? Can’t speak for yourself. Rush speaks for you.
  2. I object, sir. Your Republican Party is lead by a lying, cheating, “what can my country do for me” narcissist.
  3. UT alum


    Duh. That’s what happens when an economy as large as ours crashes. At least he kept it from burning.
  4. UT alum


    Glad you got a laugh.
  5. UT alum


    That tends to happen when the government has to bail out the private sector after driving into the ditch. Refer to Great Depression, which is where Bush ll almost sent us with his off the books war. Obama’s steady hand guided us through quite the critical moment. My 401k recovered nicely during his tenure, and the fruits continue to pay dividends despite Trump’s efforts to spend us into oblivion.
  6. UT alum


    When is it an issue for Republicans other than election time? At least Democrats own it. Keynes runs circles around Freidman. Haven’t seen a peep from any of you about the two trillion plus added to the national debt since Trump took charge. No big deal when it’s your guy, I guess.
  7. Knock yourself out. [Hidden Content]
  8. Here, get after it. [Hidden Content]
  9. UT alum


    Did you see where the stock market was in ‘08 vs. ‘16? You’re right, Westend, this is fun!
  10. Who has been falsifying data? I need sources, and not opinions. A footnote or two would be nice. I also noticed no comment on what big oil or the Pentagon believes. So, if we can’t trust the government then who? Fearless Leader? He says it’s so, so it is? It appears it’s you who wants to be told what to believe, not the liberal here.
  11. [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] Nasa put a man on the moon. I trust them as scientists. Big oil has lots of skin in the game. Look what they say. The Pentagon wouldn’t plan if they didn’t recognize the risk. I think for myself, sir. I don’t just regurgitate what I hear on radio or tv.
  12. My post is directed at the lack of debate, only denial, I’ve witnessed on this topic in this forum. You need to look in the mirror when you start with your childish insults.
  13. UT alum


    Fueled by stock buybacks with the 41% corporate tax cut. That’s where most of the windfall went. I guess you guys also credit Bill Clinton for the only budget surplus we’ve had in my adult lifetime.
  14. I met this guy a couple years back who was a member of the Flat Earth Society. We talked for about an hour about whether or not the earth was really round. He had all the science he needed to prove in his mind that the world is flat, the stars are a projection on some great dome, and gravity is not real. All conventional science was a hoax to cover this “fact” up. It mattered not what I said, he had his science plus the Bible to back it up. I hadn’t thought about him in a while until tonight.
  15. First off, I take Op-Ed pieces with a grain of salt. It’s an opinion, not a scientific paper. Second, most arguments I’ve read about mmgw cite average global temperatures, not record temps at individual locations. I didn’t see any facts, just claims that they exist (the statement that there is no correlation between co2 and warming, for instance). Not even a footnote.
  16. That’s one of the most backhanded compliments I’ve had in a while, but I’ll take it. I did blame both sides for the way they ran with it, though.
  17. Turns out he engaged in shameless and illegal self promotion. Looks like both sides of the political spectrum engaged in race-baiting before the facts all came out. It’s not always politics first. Some people are just idiots. That’s why I think we all need to step back and take a deep breath before we start drawing conclusions. Covington teen is another shining example of our first reaction to turn anything we can into “us” vs. “them”. Both sides I’m dissing here, not just conservatives. As I’ve said here before, peace and harmony don’t sell ads. Conflict and friction are what make news ratings.
  18. It’ll be a circus for a while, no doubt.
  19. I never questioned his patriotism, or the fact that he actually had empathy for his fellow Americans.
  20. I’m not privy to the investigation, but he acts guilty as hell. I’ll let history provide the list.
  21. I don’t have a problem either way. Conservatives rail on liberals being anti-American and unpatriotic. Just hold both sides to the same standard. But unity doesn’t sell ad time. Check out the interview with Tucker Carlson and Rutger Bregman that Fox wouldn’t air.
  22. Un-American assault on first amendment, for one. Assault on judiciary and law enforcement. Loyalty demands on his minions. It’s a textbook on descent into authoritarian rule. His own immigrant wife had to prompt him to put his hand over his heart for national anthem. Had that been a liberal you would all be apoplectic.
  23. That’ll come in another 3-5 years.
  24. Whatever. You all already had me judged from the first post I made and was accused of being a troll. Donald Trump is a clear and present danger to our constitutional form of government and I hope he is removed from office. That confirmation enough?
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