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UT alum

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Everything posted by UT alum

  1. I guess Miss Universe contests in Moscow don’t count. I guess taking Putin’s word over our own intelligence doesn’t count. You’re time would be better spent watching out for Comrade Trump.
  2. Miss Universe contests in Moscow don’t count?
  3. So people hate God if they don’t meet your standard of religiosity?
  4. Super delegates are not going to be allowed this time around. Levels the field a lot. How in the hell can you call Bernie a Soviet lover with a straight face when Orange Man says he believes Putin over our intelligence on North Korea? Talk about sheeple. And why do you call him God hating? Because he is Jewish? Judge mental bunch of hogwash.
  5. I want to hear the spin on the Amazon zero tax deal. You all favor 0% corporate tax rate?
  6. It was in the newspapers this morning. Taken from public records. Disappoint me.
  7. Silence on this comment is deafening.
  8. I forgot to mention Amazon - bet they loved the tax reform. 0 tax on 11 billion profit. I’ll pay more on an infinitesimal percentage of those profits.. Heck of a deal, I must say.
  9. Got your refund yet? Good trade deal = higher taxes (tariffs) on manufacturing and consumers. Less regulation means more pollutants in our air and water. A lot of that was done by fiat. Ok for your guy, but not the other side. Supreme court was luck of the draw and elimination of cloture. Hardly fair in my book. Don’t point to Obama for doing same on lower court appointments. Obstructionist republickans would not let any of his on the floor. Again, ok for your side, cheating if the other side does it. I might vote him for best animated character.
  10. It’s called HIPPA. We weren’t supposed to know until she decided to release. Rumor=gossip, does it not?
  11. Just go ahead and call them liars. I can’t judge that one yet. Looks like Smollette may have screwed the pooch.
  12. If you’ll acknowledge same about your president.
  13. That’s why they’re called rumors. RBG is back on the bench. But then again, maybe it’s a deep state robot.
  14. And the winner is in illegal absentee ballot harvesting: The North Carolina Republican Party! Any outcry?
  15. I don’t think they are members of the Motion Picture Academy, except maybe Smollet, and I don’t think he was nominated.
  16. To me they only make sense when used for projects that bring in dollars from outside the region. That was the rationale back in the day when they were created. Take Dragon Industries in Silsbee, for instance. I doubt that they have many customers in the golden triangle. They have customers all over the country. That means the money they earn is bringing dollars from other places, not just recycling local dollars like retail and service do. That how local economies expand. Projects like that deserve EDC help. The tax is approved by local voters,too, not like abatement policies.
  17. I agree with that. It’s a tool and a community needs all the tools in its box to compete. I don’t agree in principle.
  18. We on the same page there, bro. For a small town like Silsbee it just creates a little slush fund for the politicos to randomly bestow cash gifts with no real plan to grow the local job market. And you’re right about holding the nose. It’s the law, so you gotta play, but I don’t think it’s a good law.
  19. Yep, but when they’re wrong should be held accountable.
  20. Thank you for the clarification. Still, no jobs there since ‘ 07, I think. I still think abatements are bad policy. Again, compete on the basis of who provides best infrastructure at the lowest cost. What do you think about the .5% economic development tax?
  21. It’s the freakin’ law of the land. I don’t agree with all their decisions, but I don’t turn around and say what they decide is unconstitutional. What Constitution you reading? The 1973 decision I cited was 7-2, by the way.
  22. You’d tie it back to the Constitution or states’ rights. A tariff is a tax aimed at influencing free market movement of goods in and/or out of the country. That’s an ok tax, I take it. Oh, and Supreme Court doesn’t agree with you as to constitutionality of food stamps. [Hidden Content] And yes, I have read the Constitution, but I don’t claim to be a scholar. I’ll leave interpretation to the courts, where it belongs.
  23. I knew it. So what about tariffs? Answer to your question: Voters
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