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UT alum

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Everything posted by UT alum

  1. So if the tax reduction produces an overall gain, then give it away, right? Then chew on this one. Food stamps increase GDP by around $1.50 for every dollar spent. Good investment, or not?
  2. How is tax giveaway part of your free market? A facility is either going to be profitable or not. You're suggesting that the government be involved in economic development. I was not involved in negotiating a bad deal. If I remember correctly, 10 years is the max that could be forgiven. I don't know if LP would've not reopened had we done no deal. Our tax burden is not that great. No one wanted to call their bluff. There's a gas plant in North Dakota that got 10 years no taxes if they built the plant, ten years were up, they closed the plant. Never paid a dime of tax, jobs went away. Tax abatements are bad deals in and of themselves. I know you're going to disagree with almost anything I say, but competition between cities and states to provide the best infrastructure at the lowest cost sounds a lot closer to free market than let's see which state will give away the most money to get the deal.
  3. How about this? Wouldn’t it be better if all states and communities competed for who could provide the best services at the lowest cost? Best tax rate wins, not who gives away the most money? I was part of a group who negotiated Hardin County’s first tax abatement agreement with LP back in the late eighties or early nineties. Ten years they paid either no or reduced local taxes. What’s sitting out there now? They did operate a few years after the abatement expired, but I still question the return our community got out of that giveaway.
  4. Ok. So Jeff Bozo, owner of the liberal fake news Washington Post walks and you blame liberals? How about a billion and a half or so of corporate welfare? Do you realize what kind of a strain on local infrastructure 25000 jobs would bring? Streets, utilities, schools - all stuff taxpayers fund - and the company goes scott free from paying for any of that? If I were a taxpayer there I’d be to’d. Plus, what I’ve read Amazon didn’t even try to negotiate, they just walked away. Virginia only had to give away $750,000,000 to get their prize. That’s one place conservatives kick liberals’ butts - they fight. Tax abatement is a scourge on property owners everywhere. I guess it’s okay for makers to be takers.
  5. Damned women. If they’d have just stayed in the kitchen, the country wouldn't be going to hell.
  6. Like I said, millions of wasted tax dollars. Indictments? Convictions? Zero. A witch hunt that proved nothing.
  7. It’s not a matter of rich vs poor. It’s how a society decides to use its assets. You say corruption and mismanagement don’t exist? Poor governance is the medium that allows them to flourish.
  8. Corruption, economic mismanagement (remember oil falling from $110+ to around $20 - they didn’t plan well at all) and undemocraric governance beginning with Chavez and intensifying under Maduro drove the transition, not increases in benefits and services to takers.
  9. No. What policies? Medicare? Medicaid? Social Security? TANF?CHIPS? SNAP? Universal Healthcare? Voter laws? It was a valid question.
  10. Right on. We all gonna be alright.
  11. You gonna listen to a Kiwi pass judgement on our political system? That’s a bs list. If he’s in Beck’s corner, that’s enough said for me. A lot of the references went back to the seventies. When they were young. Like Kavanaugh. Youthful indiscretion, you know. How much stock would you put in a Dane dogging Trump and his toadies?
  12. How do you know what he has? If it was nothing, it would be over. You must be confusing this investigation with Benghazi.
  13. They were not applauding because they did not agree with it. Right! It had no place in the SOTU address. Who are the self proclaimed socialists in the Democratic Party, other than the usual suspects?
  14. I’ll say it again. The Democratic Party does not advocate government ownership of the means of production. Is that not the definition of socialism?
  15. What's willing got to do with it? Influencing and rigging are two different things.
  16. They didn’t applaud because of the absurdity of the remark, made purely for political effect. The Democratic Party does not advocate government ownership of the means of production.
  17. One is an opinion by Trump’s ex lawyer, the other one addresses the Senate Intel committee report. Did you get to the part where they reported that the Mueller investigation could reach different conclusions? Let the report speak for itself when released.
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