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UT alum

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Everything posted by UT alum

  1. News reference is because 90% of the links I see on here are foxnews links.
  2. Yeah, more than one channel, too. Read newspapers, as well. What’s your point?
  3. If your’re going to use 2:191, the meaning changes if you read 2:190 first. Same for 9:5. Read 4,6 & 7, too. changes the context to me.
  4. I din’t bring color unless I think it’s relevant. Europe is known for it’s homogeneous population. How can anyone be objective when they have no experience with the subject?
  5. I read all the verses you quoted, and some more on either side. Just like people do with the Bible. Take scriptures out of context to make your point.
  6. We’re still here and still solvent and not socialist communist or fascist.
  7. We agree again, Hagar. Term limits lets the electorate off the hook. Informed voters are the most effective limit on politicians. Why would a conservative want the state to tell us how long our reps can serve?
  8. We’re adversaries? I thought we were both proud members of the same country.
  9. Really? A freshman rep scares you that much? FDR and LBJ right up there with Hitler and Stalin?
  10. May not get him, but a slew of them right in there with him are gonna be in hot water. That’s what a good con does -his subordinates take the flak while his lawyers keep him clean.
  11. So, you want to ask countries who are 94 to 99 percent white about how they feel about brown people? They used them for years for basically the same reasons we used Mexicans. Didn’t gripe about it back then.
  12. When did I claim to know his world? I don’t define people by their politics, nor do I presume to know their world because of party affiliation.
  13. I answered the question as posed. I support a woman’s right to choose. I don’t support late term. Democrats don’t require we walk in lock step as it appears the Republican Party does.
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