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UT alum

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Everything posted by UT alum

  1. Policy speaks for itself. From infancy it’s all on them? My world is as real as yours.
  2. Not that I’m aware of, and certainly not legally.
  3. Who’s vilifying our country’s history? I like to think that both individually and collectively as a society we can always do better. Ever hear of continuous improvement?
  4. Look, this started with asking me three party platforms that are most important to me. I did not mention abortion among them. I’d appreciate you not throwing that card at me every time you feel the need to vilify liberals.
  5. That Sharia law crap is just that. Alex Jones kind of crap. The law of the land is the US Constitution. They invented algebra, so I’d guess they’re smart enough to add value to the labor force. Religion test next for citizenship? Then what, bow to the leader three times a day?
  6. Pretty condescending, that. Access to healthcare, food stamps, equal access to public educaton, Head Start. Just a few programs that benefit children that Republicsns abhor.
  7. As for the dig at Democrats about caring for infant mortality, I will be equally audacious. It looks to me that Republicans care more about a fetus on the womb than a baby after it’s born. I guess their success or failure is on them once they’re out in the world.
  8. You ever look at the CIA world factbook? It has very interesting cencus data and social and economic overviews of every country in the world . It’s not a study. It’s a source of information people can use to form their own conclusions.
  9. You asked me how you felt the need for any of the ideologies I mentioned. I can’t answer for you.
  10. How do you figure military got it right buying $1000 hammers? I got to give a shout out to the interstate highway system, national air traffic control, clean air and water systems. A lot of this stuff is contracted out to private industry, but government designs and oversees the projects like any owner. I imagine the Erie Canal was a feather in the government’s cap back in the day. SBA has helped a lot of entrepreneurs. Block grants to states have helped build sanitary systems and transportation systems. It ain’t all bad, Reagan. Anywhere you got gobs of monkey there’ll be corruption, whether it be private or public. Anywhere you got large numbers of employees there will be bureaucracy, private or public. It ain’t us vs them - we all in this together.
  11. Canada has better health outcomes. CIA World Facebook and WHO has good data backing this up. I don’t know what asbestos houses have to do with workplace safety.
  12. That’s why congress is a deliberative body. Could we possibly be a greater place with universal access to healthcare? I think yes. You think workplace safety or workers’ compensation arose naturally from the free market? I don’t. You think rivers and air would be cleaner if the guv’mint kept its hands off? I don’t.
  13. Constitution says promote the general welfare, not mine. Those are three areas that, when unchecked, can degrade the general welfare.
  14. Well I’ll be dogged. We’ve found a point of common ground.
  15. Universal healthcare Environmental protection Support collective bargaining for labor
  16. Nah, it’ll be a Biden/Harris ticket is my bet.
  17. I never doubted that Roberts would be the moderating voice on the court. You don't think legislation from the bench is appropriate, unless it's some legislation you don't like. Roberts' record as a conservative judge is impeccable. Conservative does not mean blindly following a particular ideology, just as liberal does not mean we blindly follow a socialist agenda. I'll defer to the people on the bench, whether I agree with their decisions or not.
  18. Just feelin' my oats. Or is that oatmeal?
  19. Not much faith in the Constitution or rule of law there, LumRaiderFan. If we made it through the Civil War, we can make it through anything. People thought that politicians were as looney then as we do now. I don't believe we're doomed. Change ain't easy, but it is the only constant, and we have the best system of government to deal with it. That's why we out-innovate the rest of the world. We adapt to change because of our diversity. I like to compare it to an ecosystem. As long as ecosystems maintain their diversity, they remain healthy. When something comes along that diminishes that, the system fails. Consider what happened in the south when it went monoculture with cotton. The soil would wear out in a few years, and the land was no longer any good. We need diversity to thrive.
  20. I’m 45 years out from college, so I could probably use some brushing up. You’re a resonable guy. I enjoy debate with reasonable people.
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