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UT alum

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Everything posted by UT alum

  1. Not from the floor of the House. That was the greatest show of disrespect from a public official that I have witnessed and it was wrong.
  2. All spending bills must originate in the house. She controls what bills get to the floor. It is the most powerful position in a coequal branch of government.
  3. Sp I call it America.
  4. I’ve been a maker all my adult life. I make payroll every two weeks, pay payroll taxes, match employees 401k contributions, and provide employee health insurance. I pay income tax and property tax, so don’t tell me about making and taking.
  5. No, she controls the docket, so to speak, and if something happens to Trump and Pence, she’s president. That’s not 1 of 535.
  6. I’m talking respect and decorum. Our institutions will crumble without them. If you don’t agree with, say, the way a preacher preaches, you gonna stand up in church and call him a liar?
  7. And actually, he is not her superior. Co equal, I believe, they call the three branches of government.
  8. I think early on when he was reading from the prompter he got applause from Democrats when he actually addressed some bipartisan issues- infrastructure, protecting pre existing conditions, and lowering prescription drug costs. You don’t have TDS, you have DDS.
  9. Look, Baddog, don’t talk about respect for superiors. In 2009 Joe Wilson (R) South Carolina called President Obama a liar from the floor as he delivered his first SOTU address. Unless you recognize that as unprecedented Presidential disrespect, don’t say Pelosi is direspectful for not clapping or smiling when you thought she should.
  10. Trump International Hotel in D.C. getting state and foreign money to put up foreign lobbyists, others with business with government. Emoluments Clause?
  11. What’s that got to do with profiting directly from his position as President? Giving his salary away is pretty good cover.
  12. Say what you will, but I’d bet he would be more ashamed of what the Predidency has become. Foreign statesmen staying in Trump’s D.C. hotel when they come to town (500 nights to Saudi lobbyists) looks more like “Ask what your country can do to make you money”.
  13. Like when you play the Maddow card?
  14. That sounds just like Rush. Call us all imbedded with perversion and immorality. Say it over and over and over until your followers believe it’s truth.
  15. My feelings aren’t hurt, dude. I don’t believe in victim hood. I made my point and you questioned my description of the event. You got a better word, use it.
  16. First off, does that law apply to abortion on demand or only if the life of the mother is in jeopardy? If it’s on demand I’ll bet dollars to donuts the Supreme Court will overturn it.
  17. Word police. Am I being politically incorrect?
  18. Yes, grown people lusting after children is disgusting. I also think dressing eight year old girls up like they’re 22 and prancing them around a stage is pretty outrageous. You think no lusting is going on out there in those audiences somewhere? Perverts no know political party or sexual orientation. I do believe 12 is too young. Juvenile and mental health authorities should handle them.
  19. You pick the adjective for me, then.
  20. Hagar, have you looked at the Democratic Party platform? None of that pedophile crap is in it. There are radicals in the party, but they’re nowhere near “controlling” it. Calling Dems perverted because of what some fringe members say is no more fair than calling Republicans racist because David Duke endorses and praises their party leader.
  21. That’s not pedophilia. Very distasteful, but not pedophilia.
  22. My best friend, and roommate from my UT days lives in El Paso. He leans way right on economic policy, not so much social issues, but we still get together a couple of times a year and can go at it like cats and dogs, laughing all the way. Wouldn’t it be nice if more of us could do that. I got another friend here in Silsbee who’s a rock ribbed conservative, but we debate all the time and always part with a handshake.
  23. Hardly a bastion of the radical left, South Carolina. At least they moved it up a year. If anyone advocated less than 17 I’d bolt. Along a similar line, do you believe a 12 year old should be tried as an adult in a murder charge?
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