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UT alum

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Everything posted by UT alum

  1. Can you people quote anything other than Fox News or Breitbart? I know it’s deep state, but I trust NOAA for scientific evidence. You think man has no impact on atmosphere hence climate? [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] Deny at our descendants’ peril.
  2. “Grab ‘em by the pussy’s”okay, though, huh?
  3. And they all got 60 votes to be there. Give me a break.
  4. There are no facts there to perceive. Speaking of healthcare, look here: [Hidden Content]
  5. Professional journalists. Not opinionists, on either end of the spectrum. The only one I watch is Chuck Todd. He interviews people from all sides. I take his panelists with a grain of salt. Eugene Robinson is a man whose opinions I respect. Sometimes even George Will.
  6. Perception is 9/10 of reality. It has many views.
  7. You mean talk about current events in a manner that supports your view of reality. The guy is a pox on civil discourse.
  8. It’s useless if you can’t tell the difference between news and entertainment.
  9. My political beliefs are not based on “what he said”, i.e. ditto.
  10. I listened to that clown for years. Quit him when he said he hoped Obama failed. I’ve never thought that about any president, even Trump. Yeah, journalistic integrity.
  11. Rush Limbaugh is a freakin’ entertainer.
  12. Came out of the box too quickly with Bin Laden claim. Media focus depends on the network.
  13. That was then. Bin Laden was still alive, focus was on Middle East, Obama, to the best of my knowledge, did not have business dealings with any Russians, was not seeking any investments in Russian real estate.
  14. Treasury is part of executive branch, Trump is chief executive. Yeah, it passed Congress, by a vote of 42 for 57 against. None of that is fake. Are we going to have to be singing the State Anthem of the Russian Federation at ballgames before you get it?
  15. Clapper and Brennan had no input into these reports.
  16. Wray is Trump’s appointee. So are Haspel and Coats.
  17. I think Ken Starr perfected that strategy years ago.
  18. CIA - Iran is in compliance with nuclear deal signed during Obama administration. FBI - Russia still using social media platforms as a vehicle for weaponizing disinformation and spreading foreign influence in the United States. NSA - ISIS still commands thousands of soldiers in Syria and Iraq NSA - currently assesses that North Korea will continue to retain its WMD capabilities and it is unlikely to completely give up its nuclear capabilities I listened to the head of each agency listed above make those statements. Two hours of testimony and no mention of rationale for a wall, and 0 questions about need for wall in 2 hours of testimony. Any thoughts?
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