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UT alum

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Everything posted by UT alum

  1. Right. Bubbles usually aren’t fully recognized until they burst. When you give loans at zero down with no credit checks, you think demand isn’t going to rise?
  2. Too simplistic for macro economic discussion. Makes it easier to let the predators off when you make the “irresponsible buyer”, the “low income idiots” you resent supporting, the straw man. I guess the people who got wiped out by Enron were at fault for buying from a crook. Should have known better. Poor old Ken Lay was victimized by overzealous prosecutors seeking to demonize the rich.
  3. CPS has procedures to reunite after resolution. Apparently INS does not.
  4. Ultimately the buyer is responsible, and their credit rating takes the hit. But, 13% unemployment and plummeting home values because of artificially created demand put buyers in positions that help mitigate the judgement of them as being merely fiscally irresponsible.
  5. [Hidden Content] Enough links in this article for you? BTW, the “failing” New York Times published Wallison’s article disputed by the Columbia Journalism Review. Doesn’t that make it fake news just by the fact that the greatest source of “fake news” cited by Trump is NYT? Talk about cherry picking.
  6. Again, she most likely knew where her children were, and knew how to find them when she got out.
  7. No, you didn’t get my point. American Enterprise Institute is biased to the right, American Progress to the left. My guess is that the answer is somewhere in the middle. That’s the point of representative democracy. Competing ideas are aired in public and debate and compromise create policy reflected in laws. Ugly names and insults are not conducive to progress in this form of governance.
  8. Since when did we start separating veterans from their children?
  9. Oooh...that’s a hit on your credibility.
  10. Sorry, I was referring to the post industrial revolution economy.
  11. Ummm...I think hoboes came to prominence in the Great Depression.
  12. I pay my share of income tax. I prefer MY money go to that than to Don Quixote’s windmills.
  13. Maybe the homeless guy is suffering from mental illness and can’t perform sequential tasks. Maybe a lack of access to basic medical care has diminished his physical abilities. I don’t like it when political rhetoric utilizes straw men to make its point. Homelessness in our country is a far more complex issue than that catchy little story illustrates.
  14. [Hidden Content] Here’s another point of view. I don’t buy the tripe peddled by Koch Brothers (AEI main backers) any more than you do Soros.
  15. First question: I think he was acquitted. No policy is going to keep all the bad ones out. I’m wondering if there’s anything we can do as a nation to make it more difficult for these bad actors to obtain firearms. Think a universal check might catch some? If your answer is that “when guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns”, I reply that that theory has wound up putting far too many guns on the street for illegal purchase. I support the second amendment, by the way, just not the NRA’s interpretation. Second question, comportment. Look at how Clarence Thomas comported himself during the Anita Hill hearings. He acted like a man of even temper who could take criticism and keep a calm demeanor. Kavanaugh looked like a frat club officer insulted that anyone would question him or the brotherhood. His arrogance disqualified him in my opinion.
  16. Citizens United case turned money into votes. That ain’t good for anyone without that kind of dough, be you liberal or conservative.
  17. I don’t use the racist term lightly, nor do I use it often, and certainly not to delineate political affiliations. I think sometimes prejudice and racism are mistaken for the same thing. Prejudice is a pre-conceived judgement without just grounds or sufficient information . Racism is the idea that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race. Neither is an attractive trait, but they are not interchangeable terms. In my time, going back to my youth, I have heard many white people proclaim that they were not equal with a black person, but superior. I have never heard a black person claim racial superiority, only an insistence that they were equal, not less than. Black people in my experience are not racist, but deeply prejudiced. There’s a big difference. All prejudiced people are not racist, but all racists are prejudiced.
  18. You spell check, too? Well, check Merriam Webster. It lists my usage of “piece” as a proper way to spell the word in the context used. Sheesh.
  19. Not automatically. Hey, let's lighten up a minute. Did ya'll see where Prince Philip rolled his Toyota Landrover? Ninety-seven, and the guy walked away. The vehicle looked like it took a pretty good beating.
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