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UT alum

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Everything posted by UT alum

  1. Eminent domain (thanks for spelling correction) is government taking of private land for public use with compensation. A lot of people in south Texas will have their land and some homes taken for the wall to be built. Most conservatives find emine domain distasteful at best. Guess it depends on whose ox is being gored.
  2. Again, where “out there” is the evidence? Walls do work in some places, but a wall from Brownsville to San Diego is outrageous. It would cost over 50 billion and be a terrible waste of resources. You a big fan of imminent domain? I don’t hate Donald Trump, I just think he’s dangerously unfit for the job.
  3. I gotcha, Law Man. I just piggybacked on you to put my two cents in.
  4. I’m a leftie, I own it, and I ain’t going nowhere.
  5. Definitions of words matter to the courts. What is happening does not meet that definition in my estimation. We need secure borders. The debate should be over what that looks like and how we fund it. Look, you and I are both Americans, we both want what’s best for the country. That debate has been going on since Jefferson and Madison went at it over states rights versus federalism. If the congress had any cojones, and I’m talking both parties here, they’d get the government back open then openly debate, negotiate, compromise, and come up with a plan that realistically addresses the problem. We may need more wall, but I don’t believe it should be the centerpiece. I’d be interested in your sources documenting the tsunami of immigrants you believe is coming at us.
  6. I just don’t think crisis equals invasion. Therefore border control falls under powers granted to the congress under Article 1, section 8. I couldn’t find the word border anywhere in Article 4. I haven’t seen or heard of anyone on the other side of the border using arms against our military. The bad ones don’t get guns until they get here. It’s not an invasion.
  7. Miriam Webster Dictionary: definition of invasion: an act of invading, especially of an army for conquest or plunder That ain’t what’s happening from south of the border.
  8. Expressing a different opinion is trolling?
  9. So, I guess you also think it was shameful when McConnell said, on President Obama’s first day in office that his only objective was to make sure he was a one term president. That was a major certain person committed to keeping the president from doing his job.
  10. Can you tell me where border protection is in the Constitution? Besides, illegal crossings are at a 46 year low. There is no crisis. Trump is a liar.
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