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UT alum

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Everything posted by UT alum

  1. Apparently you are the expert. School me with your knowledge. I’m guessing we’ll start with how all underlying data is fouled by the machinations of the deep state.
  2. You guys need to lighten up. I heard about Portland, but didn’t pay it that much attention. The only right wing goons I pay attention to are the white supremacists. People on both sides have been raising hell as long as we’ve been a country. Ever see Gangs of New York? Division is what’s putting our country in peril.
  3. What you missed is everyone has to have coverage. When the cost is spread across the entire population, healthy and unhealthy, it becomes more affordable for all. It’s a public/private partnership allowing competition within set parameters. That’s about the only way it could work here. I don’t think we’re going to see the nationalization of health insurers. Why do you think if I’m a Democrat I have to be thinking one way and one way only?
  4. I’m not qualified to be President, so no, I could not do better. That precludes me from having my own opinions? Where in here can you find I condoned that language? You’re kind of perched up there on something looking down and judging me by some standard you hold for anyone taking a liberal position.
  5. Okay Weisenheimer, I did a little research on my own. I admit to accepting the 97% without checking myself. But, I’ll still go with 80%. Note that research came from University of Houston Energy Fellows and Forbes did the article, not even hardly liberal sources. [Hidden Content]
  6. You killed any discussion at Nazis.
  7. I’m not a scientist, but I side with the 95% of professionally trained who believe it. You’re doing just what Russia wants - distrusting our government and other institutions.
  8. We ain’t running for President. How can you believe he didn’t say it when it’s on tape and he didn’t deny it?
  9. What was Kamala Harris’ statement again? Millions heard what he said when all was done.
  10. I wasn’t that crazy about the plan, but when healthcare spending is approaching 18% of GDP, something has to be done. He did.
  11. Can you people quote anything other than Fox News or Breitbart? I know it’s deep state, but I trust NOAA for scientific evidence. You think man has no impact on atmosphere hence climate? [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] Deny at our descendants’ peril.
  12. ?
  13. “Grab ‘em by the pussy’s”okay, though, huh?
  14. Unless your name is Clarence Thomas?
  15. And they all got 60 votes to be there. Give me a break.
  16. There are no facts there to perceive. Speaking of healthcare, look here: [Hidden Content]
  17. Professional journalists. Not opinionists, on either end of the spectrum. The only one I watch is Chuck Todd. He interviews people from all sides. I take his panelists with a grain of salt. Eugene Robinson is a man whose opinions I respect. Sometimes even George Will.
  18. Perception is 9/10 of reality. It has many views.
  19. You mean talk about current events in a manner that supports your view of reality. The guy is a pox on civil discourse.
  20. It’s useless if you can’t tell the difference between news and entertainment.
  21. Rush doesn't give facts, he spins facts.
  22. I never watch her. She's an entertainer, too.
  23. My political beliefs are not based on “what he said”, i.e. ditto.
  24. I listened to that clown for years. Quit him when he said he hoped Obama failed. I’ve never thought that about any president, even Trump. Yeah, journalistic integrity.
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