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Everything posted by queenb77630

  1. ??? ooopppps didn't mean to upset anyone. Just thought they wanted input and that was my input :-\... first i heard of the cords not reaching. Thanks to everyone who did step up the video was great...... Ltrain I don't think anyone was upset. Your input was very good and made others think of other things that could be changed. Your post was aokay
  2. very good point. something to think about for next season. most def. a good point.
  3. THAT is exactly what I"m talking about when I say that someone's HEIGHT needs to be taken into consideration when WEIGHT is being calculated. I"m so glad you posted that -- it proves that what I am saying makes sense. Thank you!
  4. YEs, I have to agree. I thought that there was two different DVD's - one for WOS and for LUmberton. I've since learned from the posts here that was not the case. Def. need to work on that.
  5. "There is no reason to get defensive on this thread unless you already know the rules are being broken and you don't wanna get caught." I got defensive becuase I felt that my son WAS attacked because of my belief that HEIGHT needs to be taken into consideration when WEIGHT is being calculated. That is all. And just to clarify something, for those out there who feels that WOS cheats, there were no rules broken with the WOS Junior Blue team. As a matter of fact, one child DID NOT make the weight and was given other options - he chose not to play. All of our players were CERTIFIED by the board members (or whoever was at the ORangefield school that day) as being within the weight limit. Were there a few who was close to it? Sure was -- my son included -- but he made it -- and he lost weight during the season -- and he gained muscle -- which added the "weight" back. How do I know what everyone weighed? How do I know everyones birthdate? I made a point to make sure that all of the proper paperwork was in order and every T crossed and every I dotted -- right along with Coach Rod doing the same thing. To (in my opinion) attack my child just because of a suggestion that I made is beyond disgusting. I have never gotten on here and attacked anyone unless I was defending myself or my child; and I have NEVER attacked a child and I would not even think about it.
  6. "BIGWORM and QueenB are the only 2 people I have seen on this topic that have brought up the issue of hieght. They are obviously very proud and confident of thier sons size and skill level. Maybe these kids should step up to the senior level, or should have already been there. I believe BIGWORM was the one that said "some kids are unstoppable". It sounds to me like your kids are not getting the adequate challenge that their superior size and skill level deserves, or maybe you don't think they could compete with kids thier own size." I NEVER, NOT ONCE said that my son was not challenged, I never called him superior, and I never said that he could not compete with kids his own size; therefore, don't put words in my mouth and make my posts mean something that it does not. Believe me, if I wanted to say those things, I would have and would not need someone else to say it. For those who are on this board who are intelligent, then you also realize that HEIGHT does make a difference in weight. In future, if someone, anyone does not understand what I am saying, do me a favor and don't interpret it to mean something that is 100% wrong - just ask me. Trust me, I have NO problem telling you exactly what I think.
  7. the only thing that I wish would have happened was that all of the plays would have been caught on tape from beginning. What I'm talking about is there were a few plays where the beginning was missed because of a replay of the previous play. A few shots of the grass or air was caught. But you know what? I was not able to see my son play that game because I was involved in a car wreck on my way to the game. The only chance I had was watching it via DVD and I was pleased beyond words at what I saw! The color commentary (is that what its called?) was awesome and very professional. The fact that the kids were able to introduce themselves up front was very classy! I cried a few times because I was so proud to see my son on the screen. Knowing that he has something that he can look back on tomorrow, next month, next year, when he's older just thrills me!!!! GREAT, AWESOME, TERRIFIC JOB! WELL DONE and very much worth the $25 (and more!)
  8. I think the "checking weight at each game" is 100% silly and useles and would cause way to much trouble and heartache. If a child passes the weight test, what do you think is gonna happen during the next few months? He is gonna gain 50 pounds or something? Get real!!!! 5 pounds tops and then that will more then likely be muscle and not fat because of the workouts those kids get. In response to what someone, and I don't remember who it was, who said that a board member needs to be at the weigh ins, I can't say for the entire day, but I can guarantee you that there were numberous board members there when my son was certified to play. I 100% remember that because they commented on how "big" (not fat!) he was for being only 9. Shoot, he was taller then some of the guys who were weighing him!!! Again, I think that HEIGHT needs to be taken into consideration when the WEIGHT is being calculated. That would be beneficial to children like my son. To weigh in at each game? NO NO NO and again NO
  9. nope. won't take that bet cause you and i both know i would lose! you are absolutely right in what you said.
  10. Let me ask everyone something: has anyone considered the fact that there are some kids out there who are young in age but older in height? My 9 year old is a tad bit shorter then I am (he's 5' 3"). He towered over a lot of the kids he played against. Not only that, during the season he lost WEIGHT but gained MUSCLE so how would that be taken into account? His weight is right where it should be for his height. If you ask me, that should be taken into account also come certification.
  11. way to go! Congrats!!!!!
  12. All I can say Rod is I have known you for a long time - dating back to when you and Jimmy would hang out in his backyard. You have been with my family through some very rough times including when Jimmy lost Joel. Yes, we all went our separate ways and lost contact through the years, but when I found out that YOU were his coach, I knew he would be in good hands and would be taught by the best. I never had a doubt that you would make a football player out of him considering he had NEVER played before. You gave him confidence in himself and the belief that he COULD do it. You trusted him and never talked down to him. Thanks Rod. Quentin: Hey, what can I say .. you are the man! Thanks for the laughs and one-on-one chats on the sidelines. Ricky: What can I say besides thank you. You have seen Gary grow through the years. I think he was, what, 5 when we met at the baseball fields? We even had the chance to coach baseball together; now THAT is something to remember huh? Anyway, you know how I feel about it all and I look forward to our kids playing football with each other again (or baseball if they play with Andrew). To the other coaches: THANK YOU TOO! I appreciate all that you did for Gary and the kindness shown to me. Looking forward to it all again next year (minus the car wreck!)
  13. Yes, he told me about everyone eating, eating, and did I mention eating? ha ha I cried watching the game and my heart swelled with pride watching "my boys" win. I just wish I could have seen Rod get the water bath! Think we can have a repeat just for me? ha ha ha SHhhhhh, don't tell my boys, but I just ordered 3 dozen cupcakes (blue & white icing), I found an umpire pinata with his arms up representing a touchdown, football goodie bags, and candy, candy, candy for both the pinata and goodie bags. If anyone can think of something else that I can provide for the kids, let me know.
  14. AMEN! I have been playing "Another One Bites the Dust" and "We are the Champions" for my son since I woke up this morning. Would THAT have been appropriate?! Sorry, I'm still tee'd off about that SnoopDog comment. It was meant exactly as it was interpreted and I am sooo disgusted with that. Now, again, congrats to the Pee Wee team -- both players and coaches. Wish I could have seen it in person.
  15. Thank you all. Yes, I missed the game because my husband, my oldest son, and I were involved in a wreck on the way to the game. I was brough to the hospital and was released with a bruised sturnum. They were concerned that it might have been broken but the seatbelt saved me from getting hurt worse. I'm okay, just very, very, very sore right now with a major headache. I am currently, as I am typing, watching the game now! Wow!!! Looks like everyone played with all heart. As all moms, I am brought to tears when I see my son on the TV. This is def. something that all of the kids will remember. Congrats to all .. and again, thank you for the kind words and concern for my health. Nothing is gonna stop me from being at the end of year party Monday night (I think!) Queen
  17. My Junior Blue player is ready, ready, ready!! I have not seen him this hyped up -- EVER!!! I stand behind my numerous previous posts: good luck to all but I really hope that WOS Junior Blue will win! I went back to look at both teams records and scores threw the year. WOS average 38 point, and gave up 5 points a game. Lumberton average 41 points, and gave up 15 points a game. Lumberton did have a tougher division and play off run ( how was this team seeded #7). Like I said just a outsider looking in, but a huge youth football fan. I saw WOS play twice and Lumberton play three times. Lumberton has 4 backs that can score a lot, now #20 is a horse but don't just key on him. And on trick plays my opinion is every offence is a trick offence. Watch college and the Pros these days, every play has a play action or a misdirection in it. What a day of football this will be. Looks like Southeast Texas will a again be on top with the youths we have coming up today. By the way looking at the scores the two lumberton teams did play each other White won 31 to 27. How did they have a tougher division and playoff run???????? ???
  18. I guess youth football, the players of tomorrow, don't count as far as media is concerned. That's okay - every one of them will get their airtime when they reach high school and start kicking butt then! h ;D
  19. thanks bulldog1985 & Gusher. My hubby and I will be following a bus with the players but I have several relatives who are attending the game but not following in the caravan. Hey Gusher: are you the one and the same as the Wildcatters Hockey Forum Gusher?
  20. I have no idea how to get there. Someone please give me directions or at least tell me how to get them. i'm told it is in the same area as where the other games were played but I don't recall seeing a football field that would have all the bells and whistles that i understand this one has. thanks
  21. I cannot wait! Win or lose (hopefully win though), I look forward to this Saturday and yes, this year has been an experience that my son will never forget! The pics I have taken, the pics I have bought, and now the video; there will be plenty for him to look back on and say that he had a good first year of football! GO MUSTANGS!!!
  22. when i asked that question before i was told $25
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