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Everything posted by queenb77630

  1. reserve one of the WOS Junior Blue game for me! I will be there with money in hand! Just for the record: make sure you get plenty of shots of #79 on the O-Line ;D
  2. whew; thanks! I was getting worried that I should have already bought my tickets!
  3. ok you guys, you are making me nervous! :'( this is the first year I've been involved with this football stuff and you have me needing to know: are you saying you have to buy tickets AHEAD of time in order to see the superbowl?
  4. I know we certainly have the talent and the desire to win - there is no doubt about that. Okay, Okay, TexasDragon, you twisted my arm: WOS Junior BLue will win! Now, I said it! Are you happy now? Geeze!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D
  5. Oh gosh bulldog1985; I don't want to put any predictions out there because every team that is playing on Saturday worked hard and must have done something right to get there. I will say that I certainly hope that WOS Junior Blue wins (of course!) but to come right out and predict them to win -- I just won't do it. I will go further and say this: In order for the Blue to win, there will have to be several things happen and I personally think that the number one thing is that one coach, and one coach only, calls the plays. Coach Rod is, afterall, the head coach!!!! Looking forward to a great game. Hopefully, the rain that is coming later this week will be out of the way and the field will be dry and the weather not so cold.
  6. You know what impressed me? After the game, and our players were leaving the field through the same gate Lumberton players were coming through, I do believe that every coach and parent that was there offered a "good game" to our kids. I know my husband and I offered a 'good luck" to them on our way out. We sat in the stands for a while afterwards and were impressed by what we saw. I'm glad you guys won and look forward to seeing you on the field Saturday.
  7. hey hey hey, that sounds good to me!
  8. "Hey Mustangs fans.... If you look really closely to the DEMON'S original quote it says and I quote "Besides I thought snoop dog was ya'lls idol" but someone with a little more sense then him or her came back and edited the post. " He/she didn't delete it -- I reported the comment to the moderator last night after I read it and it was gone this morning. To be so mean and racist is uncalled for and I took a stand against it. We are a team of both blacks and whites and we play very well together and to make a remark that was, in my opinion, a racist one was uncalled for. Looking forward to a wonderful game come Saturday. Hopefully, I will have 100% of my voice back and I will be able to do what I do best - yell GO MUSTANGS!!!!
  9. congrats one and all! ;D
  10. Hey White Team coaches: I was wanting to go out on the field with the boys and shake your hands but I didn't know if that would be appropriate so I will give you all a "cyber handshake" and tell you that your boys played one great game! I was already hoarse and losing my voice before I even got to the field and now, I barely have a voice at all. Of course, my kiddos don't mind that but that is another subject ;D What a team OUR kids will make once they get to high school. Looking forward to the day they all play together and not against each other.
  11. sorry to disappoint you but my idol is my son .. the same one that is on the O-Line and likes to throw smartie pants to the ground. What number is your son? Just so he can properly introduce himself to him.
  12. (sung to the beat of an old gospel song: today is the day that the Lord has made) Today is the day Today is the day today is the day that the Mustangs Play that the Mustangs Play blue versus white blue versus white blue vereus white at Hooks Stadium! at Hooks Stadium! ============================== Be at Hooks Stadium at 1:00 to see a very good game!
  13. I asked Eric last night at practice and he said he would see to it that the pics are handed at during the next game which will be Dec. 6th. That is okay for our team and other teams in playoffs, but I'm not sure how the teams who are not in the playoffs are going to get their pics. If you are reading this and you are from WOS - may I strongly suggest that you get ahold of the people who did the pics and find out what the crap is going on with your pics? I'm not sure if this is the number or not but I did find this on the internet: [email protected] 409 920-4202 409-499-1510 the location of this is in Orange, Texas so I'm guessing it is who took our pics. I did not get pics that day but I know they were handing out business cards; mayone of you got one and can verify the phone number? I'm sorry; but I could not find anything in the phone book.
  14. i will call you then if i find out anything - or at least i'll call your mom since that is the only number i have.
  15. I have been asked that numerous times and no, I have not heard anything. I have not been to the last few practices but plan on going tonight and will find out what is going on. Will u be there tonight too?
  16. I'd love for the arguing over this to stop. The incident will not be forgotten for a long time by a lot of people, but its over. Let's pray something like that never happens again and let the subject drop.
  17. how sweet! looks like they play just as hard as the big boys.
  18. JUNIOR WHITE 28-14. Too many weapons on the White Team. And a whole lot of Defense. Also they have battled i think 5 or 6 of the eight playoff teams in the JR. Division. So they are battle tested. Will be a good game. Key will be what team does not let the stress of playing against friends and family in front of friends and family take them over. I agree. We told our son that come Dec. 6th and the game starts, you have no friends on the White team. You treat them just like they are from a team that you know no one on. After the game, win or lose, you go back to being friends then. I do wish you luck. I was not wanting to play against you guys but since we are, we will make the best of it. Two teams who are, in my opinion, equally matched. Gosh, can you imagine the hollering and screaming that is going to be going on in the stands during that game? Whew, gonna be some fun!!! See you all on the field. May the best team win.
  19. sorry, I don't eat crow! ;D
  20. WOS JR. WHITE WINS OVER WOS JR. BLUE. IN ALL WOS STILL WINS NO MATTER IF WHITE OR BLUE WINS. IF U WANNA SEE HOW FOOTBALL IS PLAYED COME TO DAN HOOKS STADIUM AT 1 DEC. 6. Nope, Nope, Nope, You are Wrong, wrong, wrong! It will be WOS Jr. Blue wins over WOS Jr. White! How many times do I have to say this? ;D
  21. Its not "that" u asked a question its how you presented it. regardless, in my earlier post, after the situation had been explained, I said I had not thought about the costs; therefore, I assumed that it was understood that I was now comfortable with the fee. Even AFTER that, I was attacked. THAT was uncalled for no matter how you look at it.
  22. Arthur Itis: Love your name .... not what it means .... but the name made me smile.
  23. Can anyone post the scores of the other games in the Junior bracket? I am sooo interested in finding out how it all went down this past weekend?
  24. thetragichippy: thank you for defending me even though you don't know me. I simply asked a question, several answered me witout being rude, and I acknowledged that I had not thought about the entire picture. I did not deserve the personal attacks and I appreciate the several who "had my back". I don't get on this forum to start trouble or issue personal attacks. That is not my style. I am a team mom for my kids football team and have been team mom on their baseball and soccer teams in the past. I will continue to do what I do for as long as they want me to. I will also continue asking questions when an issue comes up that I don't completely understand. That is, afterall, how a person learns. Those who don't question things are the ones that are lacking in something : brains. Just for the record: I paid the $6 (2 adults) to watch my child's team beat Bridge City. I paid the $3 for my son to have nachos after the game. I supported, in a small way, the STJFL. I will do the same come Dec. 6th for round 2 of the playoffs. Hopefully, on Dec. 13th, I will have the opportunity to support the league once again should my son's team be in the superbowl. I did not realize that asking a question would cause so much sh*t. Might as well get used to it -- I ask a lot of questions. For those who got ticked off that I asked that question, in future, may I suggest that you just skip over my posts because obviously, having someone with an inquiring mind just doesn't sit well with you and gets your blood pressure up so you must be rude. It must be a miserable life you live if that is the case.
  25. I watch a lot of Wrestling, sorry!
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